Ethical Review Manager (ERM): Online system for University ethical approval
ERM is the University's platform for submitting applications for ethical review and approval by one of the UoM research ethics committees. All applications for ethical review, including school/division/department review, must be submitted in the system and you cannot start recruitment or data collection until you have received written approval.
Before submitting an application for review, please ensure you use the Ethics Decision Tool to verify if approval is required. More information on the EDT can be found on the page Does my research require ethical approval.
Accessing ERM
There's no need to contact anyone to request access to the ERM system. Simply go to the link below and log in with your usual UoM username and password:
- All applicants - staff & students, supervisors, PIs - to create and work on a new application or to sign an application in order to submit
If you are a UREC member, or a member of a School/Division/Department ethics panel, please use the below link to review applications assigned to you:
- Reviewers - UREC members, ethics panel personnel ONLY
Please see below for guides to help you create and submit and application, as well as guides for panel members.
A frequently asked questions document is also available with guidance on common queries and issues.
Creating, submitting & revising an ethics application
Please see below for a selection of PDF training guides and short videos to walk you through the steps of creating, submitting and revising your ethics application.
'How To' Guides - including how to create a new application, how to submit/request a signature and how to make revisions after Committee feedback.
- ERM Application Guide for Staff Projects (revised ERM system October 2023)
- ERM Application Guide for Student Projects (revised ERM system October 2023)
**A major update to the ERM form was released in October 2023. While the functionality of the form, sharing and submission processes remains the same, please note that there have been substantial changes to the layout of the form and that the videos below are in the process of being updated to reflect these changes.
Getting Started-Video
- How to create a new ethics application (Section A)
Submitting an Application - Videos
- How to add contact information (Staff-Section B)
- How to add contact information (Students-Section B)
- How to upload supporting documentation
- How to sign or request signatures (Section S)
- How to respond to a signature request (Section S)
Amending an approved application
If you need to make changes to an approved project you should first review the guidance on amendments as not all changes can be submitted via amendment and may in some circumstances require a new application for ethical review.
If your proposed change can be submitted via amendment, please see below for a selection of PDF training guides and short videos to walk you through revising your approved ethics application or submitting a progress/end of study report.
Please note that you must wait for approval of your proposed amendment before implementing any changes.
Submitting Amendments to an Application-'How To' Guides
- How to make an amendment on an application approved in ERM (revised ERM system October 2023)
Submitting Amendments to an Application-Video
Progress and end of study reports
If your project obtained University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) approval from one of the full URECs (high risk projects) or from the proportionate UREC (low risk projects) you are required to submit an annual progress report while the project is actively recruiting and collecting data. You are also required to submit an end of study report once these elements have concluded.
Students who obtained ethics approval from a school/division/department committee are not required to submit these reports.
Submitting an End of Study/Progress Report (UREC Only)-'How To' PDF Guide
- How to create and submit an end of study/progress report (revised ERM system October 2023)
Submitting an End of Study/Progress Report (UREC Only)-Video
Reviewing an application (panel members)
This section refers to tasks that would be carried out by UREC members, school/division/department ethics panel members and administrative staff ONLY.
Role Specific PDF Training Guides
Please see below for a list of PDF Training Guides that are specific to each role in the new ERM system. Please ensure you read the contents carefully as the screenshots and buttons available will change depending on your role. If you hold more than one role in the system, please ensure you read each guide as required.
- UREC Chair or Deputy Chair
- UREC Secretary
- UREC Committee member
- Division/School Committee member
- Division/School Chair
- Division/School Administrator
You may find it beneficial to set up an email inbox rule to move all notifications from the new online system into a single folder. If you wish to do this, please see the PDF guide below for specific instructions.
**A major update to the ERM form was released in October 2023. While the functionality of the form, sharing and submission processes remains the same, please note that there have been substantial changes to the layout of the form and that the user guides below are in the process of being updated to reflect these changes.
Reviewing Applications-Videos
- Locating and opening an application for review
- Adding/editing/deleting comments
- Printing the application