Guidance for Research Services Teams on recording details of an award in Pure.
User Guides
Pure AMM Manual - An end-to end guide to using the Awards Management module
Pure AMM Training Catalogue - This online course provides end to end guidance for Research Services on using the Award Management Module in Pure.
Recording in-kind funding, match funding and details of where UoM is part of a broader project - A guide explaining how to record these specific types of activity
Using AR Enquiries in Oracle Financials - A guide for Research Services Teams on using AR Enquiries to check the status of a customer account
Adding Funders and Collaborators to Pure Applications and Awards - This note contains updated guidance for creating new external organisations in Pure (updated Aug 24).
Early account code tag - A guide explaining the process for the use of the Early Account Code (Research) tag.
Communicating in Pure - This short online course explains how to manage your notifications within Pure
Awards Mobilisation Plan
Awards Mobilisation for Research Services and Research Finance Training Catalogue
Award Mobilisation Plan (AMP) Master Document
Awards Mobilisation Service Design
Awards Mobilisation Process Flow
Visual Guide to AM Plan and Milestones
Awards Mobilisation Plan Research Services and Research Finance Guide
Awards Mobilisation Award Notification Requirements
When to Create an Award in Pure
Awards Mobilisation HESA Categories
Awards Mobilisation Milestones in Pure
Adding Pure Milestones and tags
Awards Mobilisation Early Account Code Approval
Awards Mobilisation Funding Change Approval
Awards Mobilisation Creating an R code in Pure
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
How do I?
How can I request access to Pure?
The majority of academic research staff (including visiting and honorary staff) and research support staff will have access to Pure automatically without the need to sign-up. However, if you are unable to log into Pure using your University username and password you can request access here.
Academic research staff will be granted ‘personal’ user access to Pure, which provides the ability to add and edit own content.
Administrative users may require access to a number of different roles in Pure and should contact for advice before applying for roles.
If you need to amend your access at any point please email
Manage Awards
My grant start date has been delayed/my grant has been paused - how do I update the award?
If you have been advised of a delayed grant start date, you should amend the actual start and end dates to reflect this, leaving the expected start and end dates as they were. You should also add a comment to the record to note the reason for change.
If your grant has been paused, you will need to create a non-financial amendment record from the original award and add the revised start and end dates. You should also add a comment to the record to note the details of the pause.
How can I alert Research Finance colleagues that an award has been created and is ready for handover?
The easiest way to alert Research Finance colleagues is to send them an in-system message, using the Comments button on the History and Comments tab. Enter your message and select the user you wish to send the message to. Click the save button to send the message. Colleagues in Research Finance have access to see Award records and associated documentation.
When and how should I delete an award record?
There are only a small number of circumstances whereby records should be deleted from Pure. Deleting records from Pure removes them completely – there is no possible retrieval of the record or the attached documents so think carefully before deleting any records.
Records should only be deleted if they were created in error, or where a duplicate has been created.
If an award is successful, but the project is not going ahead, it should not be deleted. Instead its status should be recorded as terminated or curtailed (for guidance on these statuses please refer to the AMM manual).
To delete an award record, please follow the steps below:
- Before you delete an award record, make sure you remove the relations to any linked records from the record you wish to delete. If you do not remove them, it is very likely that all related records in the cluster will be deleted as well.
- In order to unlink the records, open the duplicate award record you wish to delete and go to the ‘Related Applications’, ‘Related project’ or ‘Related Awards’ sections. Click the minus button next to the records you need to unlink. You will need to click ‘save’ to action this change (if you do not save the change the records will remain related to this award record).
- Reopen the duplicate award record you wish to delete and check that no related records are shown. Check that all attached documents are securely saved elsewhere so they are not lost when you delete the record.
- To delete a record, open it to edit it, click the red X button in the bottom right hand corner.
Please note, any investigators named on the award record will be automatically notified of its deletion.
If you cannot see the red X button to delete the record please contact the Pure Support team (
Why can I see multiple awards for the same project?
Where an awarded project has had one or many amendments (financial or non-financial), these are shown as individual records in Pure, attached to the original award. Therefore you may see multiple award records with the same title, but these will refer to different activity.
Create an R code
What information do I need to add to the award record?
The majority of information on the award record can be transferred from the application record on set up. Users must make sure that the actual and expected start and end dates are correct, only 1 PI should be selected and a funder and funder value have been added.
Which account code tag should I add?
The Create R code tag should be used when you want to request an R code in Oracle Financials.
No Finance Code Required tag should be used when you do not want a new code created in Oracle Financials e.g. for non-financial agreements, amendments, sub-contract and other grant awards/other contract project agreements. It is important to mark records as not requiring a finance code so that reporting of finance code creation is accurate.
The Early Account Code tag should only be used in conjunction with the Create R Code tag and added when an account code is being generated before an award letter or signed contract is in place. For an early account code to be generated both the create R code and early account code tags must be added. Guidance on the use of the Early Account Code tag can be found here.
How can I check that the funder is active in Oracle Financials?
RS are able to request access to Oracle Financials in order to check whether funders are active. A full guide on using Oracle Financials to check funder status can be found here. If a funder does not have an active account in Oracle Financials then an R code cannot be created. Please ensure you are using the correct organisation record with the correct address and HESA category if a funder has multiple records in Oracle.
How do I activate an account in Oracle Financials?
If a funder (organisations we are invoicing/billing) does not exist in Oracle Financials then a CAF form needs to be completed and sent to
If a supplier (organisations we are paying/passing funding to) does not exist in Oracle Financials then a SAF form must be completed and sent to
What should I do if an account code has not been generated after I have added the create R code tag?
If an R code has not been generated within 2 hours of the create R code tag being added you should firstly check that all details such as start and end date have been added to the record and that only 1 PI is listed on the record. Secondly make sure that the funder is active in Oracle Financials. A guide on how to do this is available here. Once you have completed these checks and an R code has still not been generated then contact
Awards Mobilisation Plan FAQs
What is Award Mobilisation?
Award Mobilisation is the point at which a grant application has been awarded by a funder or a contract negotiation is nearing completion. Before a research project can begin certain tasks and activities must be completed to mobilise the award and ensure it is set-up correctly and is financially open for spend. These tasks and activities are generally completed by Research Services (RS), Research Finance (RF) and the Principal Investigator (PI). Other PS teams may be involved as well, such as P&OD, Contracts Teams, Compliance and RIsk and Technical Services.
What improvements have been made to Award Mobilisation?
Feedback from researchers and PS colleagues raised issues with transparency of the key processes and information needs and delays to award set-up, so we have focused on these areas to make improvements in both the transparency and speed of set-up via:
Awards Mobilisation Plan (AMP) - On obtaining a funded research award or during negotiation of a funded research contract, PI’s can expect to receive an awards mobilisation plan (AMP) within five working days of the award confirmation or following approval to proceed with a research contract. The plan will highlight key T&Cs, all the processes which need to be completed and any gaps in information that need to be addressed to start the project. The plan will include an estimated timeline for concluding each of these activities and the key contacts for the team’s supporting mobilisation of the award.
Proactive Touch Points - Additional proactive touch points with RSO and PI throughout the award set up to discuss ongoing activities and problem-solve to ensure that activities remain on track to set-up and start the project.
Milestones – The introduction of Milestones in Pure will track key award activities allowing researchers to track when tasks have been completed and by whom, e.g., Award Acceptance, Early Account Code Approval, Finance Code Activation etc.
Service Quality Manager – A Research Services Quality Manager has been appointed to support service quality monitoring, training, service development, further stage-based reforms, and management of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Awards Mobilisation ensuring these service improvements deliver the benefits of improved transparency and quicker award set-up.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – the introduction of two KPIs to improve timescales of activities taking place at award set up (Awards Mobilisation Plan and Finance Code Activation).