Workers in the Education sector need a powerful, collective voice that will win the respect they deserve at work. Whether your role is research, technical, IT, professional services, administration or clerical, skilled or estates, UNITE is the trade union that works hard for you. Research shows that staff in institutions where a union is established are paid more, have fewer work-related incidents, have better job security and have a bigger say in how they are treated.
It is because our workplace representatives are on hand to hear your concerns, represent you and negotiate the deal our members want at work. If the matter is complex you can seek advice and support from one of our Full Time Officials who specialise in employment and health and safety issues.
Terms and conditions
Within Higher Education pay increases, salary scales, holidays, pensions are all negotiated by UNITE. If you want a say in these items as a member of the union you can influence the outcome, accept or reject offers. If you are not a member you will have no say or influence.
Democracy in action
UNITE is effectively structured in a way that ensures workers in the Education sector are represented locally with employers, nationally with the Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES) and consulted on Government proposals that could affect you or your job.
We have regional Education sector committees and a national committee. Education sector members also sit on the union’s Executive Committee. All of which as a member you can influence.
Workplace representatives are elected by you and help you in a number of ways:
- If you need impartial advice on pensions, absence, health & safety
- Formally represent you in disciplinary or grievance meeting
- Provide information about job evaluation, gradings, point scores or promotion
- Assist if redundancy or dismissal is threatened against you
- Arrange meetings around important workplace or national issues
- Communicate what UNITE is doing for you and members on campus
Learning - a lifelong journey
UNITE is committed to lifelong learning. In today’s modern world standing still is not an option. Workers constantly need to improve their skill and knowledge base. Many of our members feel that lifelong learning can improve their quality of life through promotion and employment prospects.
Our Lifelong Learning department has a network of Regional Learning Organisers and Learning Centres with support workers, up and down the country. It offers important advice on training or courses that can add to your skills and job prospects.
Members can also become Union Learning Representatives to help guide and facilitate members in the workplace.
Equalities - the key priority
UNITE is committed to achieving real equality in the workplace and in wider society. Our Equality department supports a network of Equality representatives in the workplace who work hard to strengthen equal treatment and accessibility for all.
UNITE is also heavily involved in Equality legislation making sure our member’s issues, concerns and aspirations are being heard by the Government.
Women, black and ethnic minorities, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, disabilities and young members are involved at every level of the Union. Regional committees and national committees for each strand set the work and direction of our Equality campaigning.
For advice or support contact any of Your Unite Team at The University of Manchester
Branch Officers
- Chris Goodwin – Branch Secretary x60614 C.Goodwin@manchester.ac.uk
- Ken Drury – Assistant Branch Secretary/ Treasurer x68864 K.Drury@manchester.ac.uk
- Alan Kniveton – Branch Chair/ Health & Safety Officer 07825863798 A.Kniveton@manchester.ac.uk
- Laverne Condappa-ward – Equalities Officer x50352 Laverne.condappa-ward@manchester.ac.uk
Workplace Representatives
- Cardy Camara x66736
- Simon Holden x60577
- John Concannon x52264
- Alan Wardle x54079
- Polly Barr (UMSU)
- Jeff Barry (CRUK) x66340