People Services FAQs
Welcome to the People & OD FAQs page.
Below are the top ten questions we receive in People & OD Operations, followed by a list of other FAQs grouped by theme. If you have any other FAQs you would like to see here, please let us know at
Top 10 People & OD FAQs
Can I have a copy of my job description?
Please ask your line manager in the first instance to give you the most up-to-date version of your job description. If they are unable to find it they should speak with their People Partner or e-mail
How do I get a staff card as a new starter?
Please email for the attention of the Reception team to let them know you need a card.
You will need to make an appointment with the Reception team for them to see you with your ID. This can be done in person at People & OD Operations, based in the Simon Building on Oxford Road, or by videocall. If you are attending in person we will take a photo of you for your card; if you are having a remote check you will need to send us a photo for upload to your badge.
Please do not attend without an appointment to help us with social distancing and reduce waiting time.
How do I get a replacement staff card if my current one is lost or damaged?
E-mail and the Reception team will be able to print a card for you to collect.
If you are collecting your card in person, please make an appointment in advance to do so, as this will help us with social distancing and reduce waiting times.
How do I apply for the Bike-to-Work scheme using salary sacrifice?
Visit the Cycle to Work page on Staffnet for full information:
On that page you will find the link to the scheme provider's webpage. Once you have decided how much you want to spend, you can apply on their site for a voucher.
How do I apply for a Season Ticket loan for my bus, train or tram?
First read the Season Ticket page on Staffnet for full information:
On that page you will find details of how to apply for each scheme. For bus you will complete a form and return it to People & OD Operations; for Rail there is an online application; for Tram you complete an online form and will then be emailed an application that a colleague from People & OD must countersign.
Why do I have to pay tax if I won’t live in the UK when I leave the University?
As an employer the University is legally required to deduct tax from pay. International workers can read more about this at: where you can also find out about claiming refunds if you have overpaid tax or if you leave.
Please also see our Payroll FAQs:
When will I be paid?
Staff at the University are paid either mid-month or end-month depending on what is in their contract. The pay dates for both groups of staff can be viewed here: The document also shows deadlines that paperwork must be submitted to People & OD Operations to meet those deadlines.
Who do I speak to about my pension?
You can find lots of information about our pension schemes at: including Pensions FAQs. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, there are colleagues in the Pensions team that support different schemes. A full list of contacts is here:
How do I get IT access for a member of staff? (or extend their access?)
For a new employee, an IT account will be set up automatically. Once they have had their Right To Work documentation checked by People & OD Operations, they will be given instructions in how to activate the account.
For an agency worker, managers must complete an IT access request form (IT Account Application Form (The University of Manchester)) and email it to If the access needs to be extended later, the manager can simply email to request this. Extending Blackboard access, if required, can be done by email to
The line manager information in the PDR system is out-of-date, please can you amend it?
Please contact the PDR Administrator for your area; a list can be found at:
Further info on PDRs can be found here:
Recruitment FAQs
How do I get access to Jobtrain as a panel member?
If this is the first time you are accessing Jobtrain you will need a new account. Email to request an account. Once you have been given a user name and password by the Recruitment team you can access jobtrain at
The recruiting manager for each vacancy is responsible for advising the Recruitment team (again by email to of any members of staff that need adding to a specific vacancy for purposes of shortlisting or interviews.
Can I re-employ an ex-employee?
Usually yes, if they go through the normal recruitment and selection procedure and are successful. However there are two exceptions. Firstly, if an employee leaves the University with a severance agreement, they cannot be re-employed by the University for at least 3 years. Secondly, if an employee retires and draws all of their pension, they cannot be offered another job until after they have retired, they must have at least one month's break in service and they can only be re-engaged in a different role (which should only be for a fixed period). For further details please read - Retirement /employment options after age 55.
What is the University's policy on Secondments?
You can find the policy and a range of guidance on secondments on StaffNet
How do I request references for a candidate? How many referees do they need to give?
A reference request form is available for you to use, together with guidance on references and other pre-employment checks see:
For Professional Support Services staff, two references should be provided and these will normally be from the following sources:
- Current employer
- Previous employers
- College or university
For Academic staff, three references should be provided and these will normally be from the following sources:
- Current employer
- The person who is supervising the research
- Another academic
How can I increase the pay range for a role we cannot recruit to due to market pay conditions?
The University recognises that from time to time external labour market conditions can produce a situation in which roles with scarce skills and expertise can command higher salaries than the maximum provided under the current pay and grading structure. In these exceptional circumstances, the university will, at its discretion, make additional payments under the Market Pay Policy to recruit and retain staff to roles where there is evidence of scarce skills and expertise which in turn makes it difficult for the University to attract and retain staff to such posts. Managers wishing to consider application of this policy should consult with the appropriate Head of People & OD.
What is the role of the Recruitment and Resourcing Team in the recruiting process?
The team support recruitment activity across the university, and are responsible for placing adverts, candidate and vacancy management, management of immigration issues (including applications for Certificate of Sponsorship) and management of the recruitment system.
How do I appoint an Emeritus Professor?
The award of the title Emeritus Professor is made by the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University, taking action, under delegated authority, on behalf of Senate. Any awards duly conferred are reported to the next meeting of Senate and the Board of Governors. Nominations for the appointment of Emeritus Professors must demonstrate that the nominee has made a distinguished contribution to the life of the University in one or more of the following areas; research, teaching and learning, social responsibility. A supporting case, including information on the areas in which a distinguished contribution has been made, citing evidence, should be submitted to the relevant Dean by the Head of School.
See for guidance and criteria.
Pay and Reward FAQs
I have questions about my Pay
Please see for payroll FAQs.
What are the University's pay scales?
The University of Manchester has implemented the JNCHES Framework Agreement for the Modernisation of Pay Structures at the University of Manchester which includes an agreed pay structure which applies to all staff within grades 1 to 8. Separate pay and grading arrangements are in place for those staff employed as Professor or equivalent academic related grade 9 staff. The University pay scales and agreement does not apply to staff employed by wholly owned subsidiary companies of the University, including UMI3, UMIC, UMIP, UMC Ltd, Tabley House Trust.
For more information and links to the Pay Scales see:
What happens to my annual increment if I am temporarily Acting-up to a higher post?
Your pay will normally increase by annual increments on 1 August of each year until the maximum point on your grade scale is reached. An increment will not be paid until you have completed a minimum of six months’ service in post. If you have less than six months’ service in your post as at 1 August you will not be entitled to an increment and you will then be paid an increment from the following August. Thereafter, your pay will increase by annual increments on 1 August of each year until you reach the maximum point on the scale for your grade. If you are in receipt of an Acting-Up/Responsibility Allowance, then this will increase by the equivalent value of the annual increments on the higher scale on 1 August of each year in accordance with the rules above. As such, any increase equivalent to an increment on the acting-up allowance will not be paid to you unless you have a minimum of six months’ service in your acting-up position at 1 August. Where you are in receipt of an increment in your substantive role, the acting-up allowance will need to be adjusted to reflect the difference between your revised incremental point and the incremental point (or percentage) of the higher grade.
My job has changed, how do I get my grade re-assessed?
The University recognises that roles will evolve over time as operational demands change due to a variety of circumstances. An assessment of the grade of your role would be considered where there has been a substantial increase in the requirements of your role and a significant increase in your level of responsibility since it was last evaluated. In such circumstances, the University has a Re-grading Policy and Procedure which sets out the process for determining how your role may be assessed for re-grading in a fair, consistent and equitable manner. This Policy is applicable to all applications for re-grading of roles up to and including grade 8 (other than academic and research staff for which a separate Promotion of Academics Policy applies. Please visit the Job Evaluation website for more information:
FAQs for New Starters
What is MyView?
MyView is the online service for staff to view and amend their personal data, that is held centrally by People & OD Operations.
MyView allows employees to:
- View pay documents (payslips, expense slips, and P60 documents)
- Notify Sickness absence - see here for more information.
- Submit Expense claims - see here for more information.
- View and update:
- Personal details
- Contact details
- Emergency contact details
- Equality details
- Bank details
- HESA related details
In addition to the above, MyView allows managers via the My People tab to:
- View team details
- Review and input Team Absence:
- Acknowledge absence requests,
- Update absence on behalf of employees
- View absence reports
Further information is available at:
What are Statutes and Ordinances?
The governance of the University is defined under a range of documents including the general regulations which apply to all staff. All academic and academic-related staff in grades 6–8, together with research and teaching-focused staff at grade 5, are subject to the Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Manchester. These provide a framework for dealing with certain employment issues, for example in respect of discipline and grievance, probation periods, etc.
What is the Wood Street Mission lottery?
The Wood Street Mission can help to provide bedding and basic essentials for needy families in the area with the help of this lottery. Staff can join the lottery by completing this form and returning it to Rose Underwood, Accounts Payable & Ledger Accounts Room G.002, John Owens Building. The completed form will be sent to HR Services and you will be allocated a number or numbers which will be sent to you. The number(s) will then be entered into a monthly draw. Shares can be bought in the lottery at £2 per share up to a maximum of 5 shares. The money will be split into £1 for the winner and £1 for the Mission. The winner will be notified shortly after the draw and given a cheque for the amount of money in the fund at that time. One month's notice is asked for anyone wishing to withdraw from the Lottery.
Wellbeing FAQs
What is the counselling service and how to do I access it?
The Counselling Service can provide a valuable opportunity to work on personal issueswith you in a confidential setting and with someone independent from your own life. The Counselling Service is freely available to you as an employee and the team of professional counsellors has a wide range of experience and qualifications, including extensive expertise in counselling and psychotherapy, which allows them to help people cope better with problems affecting their work or general well-being.
If I am absent from work due to sickness, who should I notify of my absence?
Each team will have their own local arrangement for reporting absence and you should have been notified of those arrangements when you started and you should ask your line manager to clarify for you. Local procedures will generally be based on the Sickness Absence Policy and Procedures. On your first day of absence, you should notify your manager prior to your normal start time, or where this is not possible, within one hour of your planned starting time. You should make every effort to speak directly to your manager (texts and emails are not acceptable). You should indicate where possible the approximate duration and reason for your absence. If your illness persists for several days, you should contact your manager to confirm your continuing absence. For absence of a longer duration you must contact your manager immediately on receipt of a doctor’s statement of fitness for work. You must maintain contact at regular agreed intervals during the period covered by the fit note.
Am I allowed to attend a medical appointment during working hours?
In accordance with the sickness absence policy and procedures you are allowed reasonable time off with pay to attend medical appointments but we expect you to make appointments outside of working hours wherever possible. Where this not possible (such as for hospital appointments), you should make every effort to arrange the appointment at the beginning or end of the working day. Any reasonable time off for this purpose will not be classed as sickness absence and therefore will not count towards reaching any of the trigger points.
Why am I being referred to the Occupational Health Service?
If you have been suffering from ill-health, your manager may wish to refer you to the Occupational Health Service (OHS) for further advice and in accordance with the sickness absence policy and procedures. The team of Nurses/Doctors act as a communication bridge between you, your own doctor/specialist and your manager with the aim of helping you make a speedy recovery and returning to work if at all possible. You may be referred to OHS at an early stage and before you are absent, especially if there are concerns that a medical problem may be relevant to your job. In these cases a range of help including referral and/or counselling is available. In cases of formal referral from management, a report is usually sent to your manager following your visit to the OHS. The contents of this are discussed with you first and you can usually have a copy if you so wish.
What will happen when my Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) expires?
If you are absent due to sickness on a long-term basis, People & OD will write to confirm the payments you will continue to receive whilst your illness continues in accordance with your contractual terms and conditions. Once your entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) expires, People & OD will send you a Form SSP1 which you should complete and return it to the Department for Works & Pensions (DWP) immediately on receipt if you wish to apply for Sickness or Invalidity Benefit. Entitlement to and payment of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and Occupational Sick Pay (OSP) is subject to you complying with the notification and certification procedures outlined in the sickness policy and so whilst your absence continues, you should continue to submit doctor fit notes to cover each day of absence at the appropriate time.
Leave and working arrangements
How do I apply for Special Leave?
As special leave is for unforeseen emergency situations, you should contact your manager as soon as possible to explain why you are unable to attend work. Your manager may allow you to take a day off with pay as special leave. If special leave is not granted, you may have the right to a days unpaid depandants leave or alternatively you may need to take annual leave depending on the circumstances. Decisions on granting special leave are not based on whether you have any untaken annual leave. For further information please read the Special Leave Policy:
I have been asked to do jury service, what do I need to do?
Please notify your manager as soon as possible. You will also need to respond to the initial notification from the court and they will send you confirmation of the details of your jury service.
Please also complete form JS1 - Notice of Jury Service and either take or send this together with the confirmation letter from the Courts Service and the certificate of loss of earnings to People & OD Operations as soon as possible. As you are able to claim for loss of earnings from the court service, this amount will be deducted from your salary whether you chose to claim it or not. However, in order to alleviate financial difficulties, you can request a temporary loan so that you are not out of pocket whilst you wait for your loss of earnings claim to be paid by the courts. This loan will be repayable as soon as the jury service has finished. Details are contained in form JS1. People & OD Operations will return your completed Certificate of Loss of Earnings which you will need to give to the court. They will also send you a JS2 form. Complete form JS2 and send it to HR Services when your jury service finishes to confirm your return to work and the dates which you attended court.
If you do not inform People & OD Operations they will assume you are still on jury service and will continue to deduct loss of earnings. If there are any whole days that you are not required in court you must attend work. However, you are not required to return to work if the court sends you home during the day.
Details are contained in the Public Service Leave Policy which you can find at: You will find a guide to jury service on the Government’s website.
What is garden leave?
This term is used to describe a situation where you are asked by management to stay at home, for example because we have no work for you to do, or whilst suitable work is found. Even though you are not required to attend work, you must be available to attend if required. You will continue to be paid and your contractual terms and conditions still apply.
FAQs about Leaving the University
Who do I need to notify if I wish to hand in my resignation?
If you wish to resign from your role in the University then you should notify your manager and provide written notice in accordance with your contract. Your manager will then need to liaise with People & OD Operations to ensure all actions are taken to record your termination date, recalculate your annual leave allowance and to pay you appropriately. Unless otherwise stipulated in your contract of employment, you are required to give the following notice periods to terminate your employment:
- Support staff Grades 1 to 5 = 4 week's notice
- Academic-related and Research staff (Grades 6 to 8), Research and Teaching focused staff (Grade 5) and Academic staff Grades (6 to 8) = 3 calendar month's notice
For more information about leaving the University see:
Learning & Development
Where is Staff Learning & Development?
The Staff Learning and Development is based on the 5th Floor Roscoe Building, Brunswick Street. Building number 53 on the campus map.
Where will my training take place?
Courses are held at various locations across campus. Please refer to your confirmation email and locate the building on the campus map.
How do I know if I have a place on a training course?
Your place will be confirmed by email from
What time to I have to arrive for a training course?
The start time of your course will be listed on your confirmation email. You should aim to arrive 15 mins before the start of the course for registration.
How do I book training?
Most training can be booked online, however some courses may have an application process. Please refer to the relevant course description. You can contact Staff Learning and Development on 0161 275 2525 or email Staff Learning and Development can be found on the 5th Floor, Roscoe Building.
Do I need to pay for training?
All in house training is free to staff members. If you are unsure whether you qualify please contact Staff Learning and Development on 52525 or
How do I cancel training?
Please give as much notice as possible if you are unable to attend your training. Failure to do so may result in a charge being applied. You can cancel by accessing our online booking system Use the menu on the left to access My Training and Development. Find the course you wish to cancel and there will be an option to do so. Please give as much notice as possible if you are unable to attend your training. Failure to do so may result in a charge being applied. You can cancel by accessing our online booking system. Use the menu on the left to access My Training and Development. Find the course you wish to cancel and there will be an option to do so.
Does the University provide an induction course?
If you are new to the University you should read Induction information. This includes a checklist which should be signed off by your manager. There is a monthly Welcome Event which gives you an opportunity to learn more about University achievements, staff benefits and ask questions. There is also a member of the senior management team in attendance. You should receive an invitation to this event, but you can also contact Staff Learning and Development on 52525 or
How do I access my training record?
You can view and add to your training record by accessing the online training catalogue. Use the menu on the left and select 'My Training and Development'. You can also export the information to Excel.
How do I become a mentor or mentee?
The University has a mentoring scheme called Manchester Gold. Further information can be found on the Staff Mentoring page.
Which courses are mandatory for recruitment and selection panels?
As part of its Equality and Diversity Policy the University has stipulated that certain training is mandatory for those taking part in selection and promotion panels. To decide which session suits your needs and for details of how to book a place, please read this Guidance. You should also familiarise yourself with the Recruitment Policy.
How do I apply for Further / Higher Education funding?
You can apply for funding for specific job related training and meeting development needs that cannot be met from within the University. The scheme will particularly apply to those who may be required to undertake specialist skills updating in areas such as: operating new equipment; carrying out new scientific/technical techniques; Health & Safety training; and other technical training. We also fund part time and Open University Undergraduate Degrees and Masters. Please note that applications to attend Conferences will not be supported under this scheme. Please read the scheme details for further information.
Does the Staff Learning and Development support Technical Registration (RSciTech, RSci)?
The Staff Learning and Development will fund your registration fee to the Science Council to become a RSciTech or RSci. Please contact for more information.
How do I organise a team away day?
Any bespoke training can be discussed with the Staff Learning & Development Partner for your area. Please contact Staff Learning and Development at and we will advise you on who your Staff Learning & Development Partner is.
What happens if my manager won’t agree to me attending training?
You should try and agree all training with your line manager. If this is not possible there is a policy which includes the right to appeal. Further details are available in the Right to Request Training Policy.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
What do the EDI team do?
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team are responsible for promoting a working and learning environment that values diversity, promotes inclusion, and is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all, developing and supporting the implementation of the University's Equality objectives and designing and delivering training and awareness raising campaigns. The team also provide advice, support and guidance on related issues.
How do I contact the EDI team?
You can find the contacts for the team here:
What equality training is available?
Online equality and diversity training is available through the EDI website and is complusory for all staff. Also available is online training on unconcious bias - for which we also offer face to face sessions available via the SLD learning catalogue. We also offer other training throughout the year on a variety of topics related to EDI, which you will also find on the SLD catalogue.
What network and support groups do we have?
You can find a full list of our network and support groups at:
Who is covered by equality and diversity legislation?
The Equality Act 2010 defines 9 protected characteristics. These are:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief (including lack of belief)
- Sex or gender
- Sexual orientation
You can find more information on our website:
Where can I find the equality policy?
The Equality and Diversity Policy is available at:
We also have a Dignity at Work Policy, available at:
What are our equality objectives?
You can find our objectives here:
What diversity awards do we have?
You can find more information on our StaffNet pages about our various awards and chartermarks:
Where can I find equality and diversity data?
You can find our most recent report here:
How can we apply for Athena SWAN awards?
You can find all the information about Athena SWAN on our webpages:
Who do I contact about Athena SWAN?
To find out more about Athena SWAN, please contact: Sarah Mohammad-Qureshi who is the Charter Marks Co-ordinator.
How do I find out about religious holidays?
Please see the University's Diversity Calendar.
Where can I go to pray / worship?
You can find all of our guidance in relation to pray and worship (including locations) in this document:
Can I have time off to pray / worship?
You can find all of our guidance in relation to pray and worship within this document which you can open in a new page:
What is mediation and how do I access it?
Mediation is an internal service that is provided by trained mediators who will aim to help staff informally deal with conflict or problems at work. Full details of the service and how to request mediation are available on StaffNet here.
I am being bullied or harassed - what should I do?
If you feel able to do so, you should report it and seek support. You can speak to a Harassment Support Adviser who can tell you in confidence about the options available to you.
What do harassment support advisors do?
Harassment Support Advisors work in a variety of roles across campus and provide a confidential information service to staff and students on issues relating to harassment discrimination and bullying. You can contact a Harassment Support Advisor through our report and support scheme:
How do I contact a harassment support advisor?
You can contact a Harassment Support Advisor through our report and support scheme:
I have been accused of bullying or harassment, what should I do?
You can access support and information from your People & OD Partner, trade union representative, or if required the university support services.
What support is available for trans staff?
You can find some information here:
Where can I find support for disabled staff?
You can find information here about our staff support group and dedicated DASS team:
What is postive action?
Positive action is the deliberate introduction of measures to eliminate or reduce discrimination, or its effects. It is not about special treatment for any one particular group, but the fair treatment of all people. It is distinct from positive discrimination which is unlawful. This means that people from certain groups are either encouraged to apply for jobs in areas or occupations in which they have been under-represented or are given training to help them to develop their potential, thereby improving their chances when competing for particular work. Positive action may also include changes to organisational culture and practices that disadvantage some groups.
What is the disability confident scheme?
The disability confident scheme replaced the disability two ticks scheme. We participate in the disability confident guaranteed interview scheme. You can find more information here: