Oracle/Cost Centre Approver Role and Responsibilities
As an Oracle/Cost Centre Approver, you have the delegated authority and responsibility for managing a budget within the University and/or its subsidiary companies.
Part of this role is to review and authorise expense claims to ensure compliance with the University’s Financial Regulations and Financial Procedures.
The Oracle/Cost Centre Approver has the following responsibilities within the University's expenses process:
- Ensure approval by a member of SLT is attached to the claim (where relevant)
- Ensure that claims are wholly, necessarily, and exclusively for work purposes
- Check that the cost centre (finance/activity code) is valid and accurate. If the cost centre relates to a Research code, ensure the task code is also correct
- Check the expenditure is a legitimate expense for the cost centre
- Check there is sufficient budget to cover the expense claim
- Check if a corresponding receipt is attached to each line item of the claim, and that the claim is valid as a non-taxable claim. If no receipt is attached, the claim group selected must indicate 'No Receipt (taxable)' and the claim type must indicate 'No Receipt'
- Check the claim attachment/receipt to ensure that the amount shown is the same as the amount claimed
- Check the receipt is valid for the expenditure (e.g. a taxi receipt is not submitted for a claim for subsistence)
- Take responsibility for accepting a cost that may deviate from policy (e.g. travel that should have gone through Key Travel)
- If you reject a claim, ensure you complete the 'Rejection Notes' section to inform the Claimant why their claim has been rejected
- Ensure you set your 'vacation rule' in Oracle if you will be away from the University for a day or more. This will ensure the claim will be forwarded onto the appropriate person while you are away
- Approve or reject the expense claim within 7 calendar days. Failure to take action within this 7-day window will result in the claim being automatically rejected back to the Claimant (or Delegate) - the Claimant can resubmit the claim, but it will need to start the approval process from the beginning
Please note that if you are the Oracle/Cost Centre Approver and are also the Line Manager/Alternate Line Manager, you will need to fulfil the responsibilities for both roles at the same time.
Once you have authorised at the Line Manager/Alternate Line Manager stage, the system will self-authorise at the Oracle/Cost Centre Approver stage.
More details about the role and responsibilities of the Line Manager/Alternate Line Manager can be found here.