Maternity pay
Here at the University we have an excellent pay package to support staff who plan to return to work after maternity leave.
a) If you plan to return to work after your maternity leave and you have worked continuously for the the University for 26 weeks by the end of the qualifying week (this is 15 weeks before the baby is due), you will receive paid leave as follows:
- 26 weeks at full pay, followed by 13 weeks at statutory maternity pay (if you qualify for this) plus a further 13 weeks of unpaid leave.
Please note that you will be required to pay back anything over the statutory maternity pay if you do not return to work for at least 12 weeks following your maternity leave. (Full pay includes a proportion of statutory pay if you qualify for this).
b) If you do not intend to return to work, but you have worked continuously for the University for 26 weeks by the end of the qualifying week, you will still receive statutory maternity pay (if you qualify for this) as follows:
- 6 weeks at 90% of your average earnings, followed by 33 weeks at a set standard rate (or 90% of average earnings if this is less)
c) If you have not worked continuously for the University for 26 weeks, you will still be able to take maternity leave which will be unpaid, but you may be eligible for maternity allowance. Find out more.
The policy explains who qualifies for statutory maternity pay.