Most people join a union because they want protection at work - help with pay and conditions of service, legal or health and safety advice or representation in case things go wrong at work.
That's what we're here for - we campaign to improve your working life
UNISON negotiates on pay and working conditions at every level - local, regional and national. The University of Manchester Branch represents a whole range of staff covered by clerical/secretarial and manual conditions.
By joining UNISON - Britain's biggest union - you can have a voice that's heard on the issues that affect your working life.
Being a UNISON member gives you a huge range of benefits, including:
- Unrivalled protection and representation at work
- Help with pay and conditions of service
- Health and Safety guidance
- Confidential welfare services for you and your dependants in difficult times
- Excellent legal services, including free help with work problems and legal support for members and their families
- Pensions advice and welfare services as well as certain benefits guaranteed by our rulebook
- A special hotline, UNISONdirect, for help and advice on workplace issues
- Online employment and workplace advice
- Education and training advice and courses, leading to vocational and professional qualifications
- Cash benefits for accidents and injuries at work
- Special deals on everything from computers, tax returns, holidays, mortgages, car breakdown services, insurance and credit cards
- Our own holiday centre for members and families at the Devon seaside.
Get in touch
If you have a problem at work or even just a general question you want to talk over in person, please contact:
- Gareth Dawson, Branch secretary on 0161 275 2055 or gareth.dawson@manchester.ac.uk;
- Kevin Gaskell-Clow, Assistant branch secretary on 0161 275 6986 or kevin.clow@manchester.ac.uk;
- Unison office on 0161 2756878 or unison.office@manchester.ac.uk.
- Visit the Unison website to learn more about who they are and what they do