The Project Team
A Project Team will focus on delivering the specific tasks and deliverables of the project. The team will be experts in their areas and should provide a balance of perspectives from central PS functions and faculties where appropriate. The team will ensure all actions are delivered in line with the project deliverables they have accepted. The team will report on progress and escalate risks and issues to the project board as required.
Project Team Membership
The project team may be chaired by the Project Manager, the Business Lead or the Business Change Manager (if relevant) all of whom will be key members of the team. The other members of the team will be subject matter experts responsible for the delivery of specific activities within the project but may include a Business Analyst. Other roles may be co-opted onto the team as required.
Project Team Responsibilities
• Assist in the creation of Project documentation including the Business Case, PID, HR and Engagement and Communication Plans , DARIAD Log, Status Report, Project Closure Report
• Attend the Project Team meetings
• Maintain a record of Project Team’s meeting actions in support of the overall management of the project
• Provide regular updates to the Project Board (via the Project Manager)
• Take responsibility for and ensure completion of agreed project deliverables
• Identify, document and agree business processes
• Identify any gaps and recommend action required
• Identify and manage issues and risks and escalate to the Project Board as required.