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Health and safety

Health and safety

The University of Manchester is a large complex and evolving institution. Staff work in a range of environments, of which each presents its challenges for safe working practices.

Learning and Organisational Development facilitate a programme of training courses and other resources summarised here.

The team are also available to provide advice on the delivery of learning and development opportunities to enable and support a competent workforce, working in conjunction with the University's Safety Services.

Resources including the University Health & Safety Policy Statement, safety toolkits, forms (e.g. risk assessments, accident forms, personal evacuation plans etc.) as well as specific advice, guidance and contacts, are all available to support and guide your learning via the Safety Services website

Online and classroom training 

Biological safety

HSE COSHH Guidance


TLCO300 - Principles of risk assessment is a pre-requisite or previous experience of carrying out risk assessments

Electrics and machinery

HSE Electrical Safety Guidance


THS14: Portable appliance testing (PAT)

This course is aimed at individuals who will be carrying out testing and inspection of all portable electrical equipment in their workplace on a regular basis.

Booking information and cost to your School or Faculty can be found by clicking the link above.


THS5: Abrasive wheels

This course is aimed at staff who use abrasive wheels.  The course will enable staff to mount, dress, balance and identify correctly/incorrectly fitted abrasive wheels.

Booking information and cost to your School or Faculty can be found by clicking the link above.


TLCA405: Woodworking machinery safety training

This course is intended for staff who use woodworking machines and supervisory staff responsible for areas where these machines are used.

Booking information and cost to your School or Faculty can be found by clicking the link above.

First aid

Learn hands only CPR and be a lifesaver.


Find out how to use a defibrillator (AED).


THS119: Emergency first aid at work

The Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) qualification is designed to offer appropriate training for those who will be offering First Aid cover in lower hazard working environments such as offices, shops and libraries.  


THS87: First aid at work certificate

This course has been designed for those working in an area with higher hazards and/or large numbers of people. The training covers the majority of injuries/illnesses that may happen in the workplace.  This course leads to a certificate in first aid, which is valid for three years. 


THS88: First aid at work requalification

This course is intended for staff who need to refresh their first aid at work certification, which needs to be renewed every three years

If you need bespoke first aid training or have any queries, please contact

Fire training

HSE Fire Safety Guidance

This webpage provides some information relating to fire safety.


LAOD147 Fire Awareness for All - all staff

This course is delivered in Blackboard and will cover the actions that individuals should take in the event of a fire or when a building fire alarm activates. It also informs individuals of their personal responsibility for fire safety and injury prevention.

All staff are required to complete this course. New starters to The University of Manchester will complete this course as part of LAOD153 Essential courses for all new staff. 


TLCF100 Fire Safety Training

This training is for existing staff at The University of Manchester who require further fire safety training due to their job.


TLCF101e Fire Marshalls Training

The University of Manchester's Health and Safety Policy and the Regulatory (Fire Safety) Reform Order 2005, require Heads of Schools and Heads of Departments to appoint Evacuation Marshals to assist in the evacuation of people from a building in the event of a fire alarm activation. This course will cover their role and duties during emergencies and evacuation.  

This course combines Fire Safety Training and Fire Evacuation training. It is particularly useful for staff who are supervising / teaching and who are on campus when there are fewer Fire Evacuation Marshals available, such as out of hours. You must complete both parts of the training and associated assessments to successfully complete the course.


TLCF105 Practical Fire Extinguisher Training

Fire extinguisher training is suggested for those with role specific-responsibilities i.e. Security personnel or those involved in high fire risk activities (e.g. work on the open bench with large volumes (over 500ml) of extremely flammable or highly flammable solvents, or pyrophoric materials where ignition sources are present or likely to be present). Please contact your School Safety Advisor or the Fire Training And Evacuation Coordinator in Safety Services if you are uncertain if you should be undertaking this training.

TLCF304 Combined Evac Chair and ResQ Mat training

Evac Chairs and ResQ Mats are designed for the rapid removal of disabled and mobility impaired people from emergency situations. Therefore training in the use of this specialist equipment is required. Attendees must be physically fit in order to attend with no underlying health conditions. 

Gas safety

  • TLCA100 Cryogenic Gases E Learning
    This course is aimed at staff who are involved in the handling, storage and/or use of cryogenic gases. The online course provides theoretical training to assist in reducing the specific risks associated with handling cryogenic gases

         For access to this course please contact Learning & Organisational Development at 

  • TLCA105 Compressed Gases Workshop
    This session is aimed at laboratory and workshop staff who regularly use high pressure and cryogenic gases in experiments, pilot plant operation and metal joining processes. This workshop will focus on the hazards and risks associated with compressed gases.
  • TLCA101 Compressed Gases & Cryogenic Workshop
    Combines both TLCA100 Cryogenic Gases E Learning and TLCA105 Compressed Gases Workshop in to one, face-to-face course

General health and safety

HSE Accident investigation guidance


THS1E: Online health and safety induction (staff)

This online health and safety course is MANDATORY for all staff. It provides a basic introduction to health and safety at the University. New starters to The University of Manchester will complete this course as part of LAOD153 Essential courses for all new staff.


TLCA505 IOSH Working Safely

This course is aimed at staff with no supervisory or managerial responsibilities but who have health and safety related duties. The course covers the essentials of health and safety, including workplace hazards, risk, ways of improving safety performance and environmental considerations. The course leads to a certificate awarded by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)


TLCA555 IOSH Managing Safely

This course is aimed at managers and supervisors who handle the health and safety of their teams. The course leads to a certificate awarded by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). The course covers the current legislation, codes of practice, hazards and risk assessments that managers need to understand and consider.

This course is available as both an e-learning option or as a 3 day workshop in the first instance.

You need only apply for one of the course options.

Please ensure you read the course overview and provide the requested information upon application.


TLCA550 IOSH Managing Safely Online


TLCA551 IOSH Managing Safely Refresher

If you have completed your IOSH Managing Safely Qualification over 3 or more years ago and wish to refresh your skills we now offer select dates for IOSH Managing Safely Refresher.


TLCA605 NEBOSH General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health

This course has been designed for staff who have a responsibility to meet University obligations and legal compliance with regards to health and safety in order to carry out their work. This course leads to a nationally recognised and accredited qualification in health and safety. IOSH Managing Safely is a pre-requisite for this course.

Booking information and cost to your School or Faculty can be found by clicking the link above.


TLCO200 The health and safety supervision of PG students: a practical approach

This is a short, narrated presentation aimed at all academic staff, irrrespective of discipline, who have supervisory responsibility for PGR students.


TLCO210 Managing Health and Safety in Off Campus Activities - Fieldwork

This training will help you understand and appreciate the value of systematic management and planning to fieldwork activities. Drawing on the principles of Risk Assessment and integration of Health and Safety into the overall management process.

Lone working

A code of practice for safety of social researchers


Arrangements, procedures, policy and guidance


Foreign Travel Advice


Practical Solutions


The effects of drugs


Guidance for the health and safety in Fieldwork


Occupational Health Travel Risk Assessment


HSE Lone Working Guidance


Suzy Lamplugh Trust


TLCO220 Driver Awareness E-Learning (Driving for work)


The course highlights some of the everyday risks associated with driving for work. This training is suitable for anyone that drives as part of their job to regularly go "offsite".


LAOD157 Lone Worker Safety

The Lone Worker Safety training programme has been designed to help increase personal safety during a working day - specifically, those working alone or away from colleagues.

It also applies to those whose job requires them to receive visitors, members of the public, customers, or patients - in fact, anyone they may not know. Although personal safety at work is something that concerns everyone, lone workers are more vulnerable and at greater risk of violence and aggression.

This course will introduce the topic of personal safety; looking at increasing observation and awareness of other people's behaviour and making sure you have strategies to avoid threatening situations.

This training course is broken down into 3 sections:

  1. Preparing & Travelling - The first section, will start with what employees should consider before they leave for work, and then we’ll discuss their commute and travel.
  2. Responsibilities - In this section, we’re going to give staff an overview of who is responsible for what during their shift, and we’ll look at what measures are in place, and what procedures need to be followed, to keep all staff and others safe.
  3. Practical Safety Measures - In this final section, we’re going to take learners through some practical safety measures and techniques they can use whilst lone-working.


Manual handling

HSE Manual Handling Guidance 


TLCO510: Manual Handling eLearning

Some of the most common forms of work-related ill-health are back problems and other aches and pains. These injuries are most commonly associated with the manual handling of materials, by either trying to move excessive weights or a failure to use correct lifting procedures. This online training session is aimed a those who carry out  low risk manual handling activities and will outline how we can all try to avoid injuries and be safe within the workplace.


TLCA500 Practical Manual Handling

Manual Handling Operations combines both the theoretical and hands-on elements of the subject and teaches learners techniques to lift, carry, push and pull objects safely within their individual capabilities.

Risk assessment

  • TLCO210 Management of off-campus activities 
    This course is aimed at staff who will be accountable for the H&S of staff, students and other participants involved in off-campus activities. The course provides an understanding of systematic management and planning to fieldwork activities.


TMS60: Child protection policy and guidance

This course is aimed at staff whose work may bring them into contact with young people (under 18) in the course of their official duties.


TLCX61 Safeguarding in the Humanitarian and Development Sector

This course will help to build your understanding of what safeguarding is in the humanitarian and development sector.  It looks at a diverse range of topics that affect vulnerable groups and focuses on the non negotiables of safeguarding.


TPREVENT0517: Prevent online training

You may have been directed here by your line manager or simply want to know more about PREVENT. Your starting point should be this Home Office online package. This takes around 45 minutes to complete and is sufficient for most of our staff.

The University of Manchester is a specified authority under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. As such we are subject to legally-binding sector-specific Duty Guidance and must demonstrate "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism". Duty Guidance covers such areas as risk assessment, action planning and staff training.

The following is an extract from the Duty Guidance:

"Compliance with the duty will require the institution to demonstrate that it is willing to undertake Prevent awareness training and other training that could help the relevant staff prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and challenge extremist ideas which risk drawing people into terrorism. We would expect appropriate members of staff to have an understanding of the factors that make people support terrorist ideologies or engage in terrorist-related activity. Such staff should have sufficient training to be able to recognise vulnerability to being drawn into terrorism, and be aware of what action to take in response. This will include an understanding of when to make referrals to the Channel programme and where to get additional advice and support."

Online training: The Home Office has produced an online training package for PREVENT. This will take you around 45 minutes to complete.


WRAP2: Workshops for Raising Awareness of Prevent

If you need a greater depth of knowledge and understanding (for example if you are in a student-facing role) then this Workshop for Raising Awareness of Prevent (WRAP2) should be your next step, after first completing the Home Office online package above.

The University organises these WRAP2 training sessions - the workshops typically take 2.5 hours to complete and are facilitated by the Regional FE/HE Prevent Coordinator. They offer the opportunity to explore some of the issues in greater depth and are delivered face to face, rather than online.

You can book on to a WRAP2 course via Karen Morgan Tallents, Compliance & Risk Officer, 0161 275 8913

Safety in the office

HSST418: Office Safety at The University of Manchester

This course will highlight how to work safely in offices.  It is recommended for all office based staff. All new starters to The University of Manchester will complete this course as part of LAOD153 Essential courses for all new staff


HSST191 Assessing Display Screen Equipment

This course is aimed at those who have been formally designated as a display screen assessor and will help them evaluate returns from the display screen assessment surveys.


HSE Guidance - Lifting Operations


THS4N2: Slinging safely (novice)

This course is suitable for trainees or as a refresher course for experienced slingers.  It is also suitable for those supervising individuals who carry out slinging.  The course covers the essentials of how to sling properly when using cranes or other lifting equipment. This course is delivered by an external provider and your School/ Faculty is required to raise a purchase order for the provider for the full cost. 


THS4RX: Slinging safely refresher (experienced)

This course is aimed at experienced slingers who require refresher training and for supervisors of staff who carry out slinging.  The course covers both the theory of proper slinging and practical elements. This course is delivered by an external provider and your School/ Faculty is required to raise a purchase order for the provider for the full cost. 

UV, laser and radiation safety

THS75: Safe UV practice: a users guide

This classroom-based course is aimed at staff who will be working with UV equipment.  This course examines the safe practice of using UV-emitting equipment, including transilluminators.


THS42E: Laser safety awareness eLearning

This course is intended for any staff or students at the University who are likely to be exposed to laser radiation exceeding that from a Class 2 laser.  This course aims to provide the necessary training for the safe handling of lasers.


TLCX215e: Radiation awareness training (level 1)

This course is aimed at research scientists with little or no experience of using radioactive materials.  This course covers the fundamentals of working safely with radioactive materials.

Working at height

HSE work at height guidance


TLCO500: Ladder Awareness Online

This elearning course is intended for staff who regularly use ladders or steps in their roles.  It will provide staff with an effective understanding of how to use steps and ladders safely in the workplace.

Bespoke training

In addition to the open programme of training courses summarised above, Learning and  OrganisationalDevelopment are available to arrange targeted health and safety training for particular teams, locations and staff groups.

If you wish to take advantage of this provision, please contact Learning and Organisational Development or phone 0161 275 2525.