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What is Managing at Manchester for Researchers?

Managing at Manchester for Researchers is aimed at colleagues on a research contract who are line managing in their current role or who wish to do so in the future either inside or outside academia.

It consists of:

  • Launch event
  • Four modules: Build Relationships, Set Direction, Focus on Results, Learn and Adapt
  • Three Action Learning Sets (one optional)
  • Impact Event

The programme builds researchers confidence and skills as managers so they can enhance their personal impact and work effectively with their people or future teams.

The programme includes management theory, case studies, practical exercises, group discussions, and pre and post learning to prompt discussion and reflection around best practice. It also offer the opportunity to work and make contact with other researchers to help to share experiences, practise skills and gain feedback in a risk-free environment.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the role and responsibilities of a manager at the University
  • Recognise the qualities and strengths you have as a line manager
  • Explain why management is important to the University’s success
  • Set clear direction and demonstrate skills for more effective communication with others
  • Identify your personal leadership style and understand the impact it has on others
  • Know how to adapt your leadership style to the needs of the people you manage
  • Identify and develop strategies to build an effective team
  • Manage the performance of those around you by setting clear direction, addressing underperformance and through coaching and feedback
  • Be able to delegate effectively to develop and empower your staff
  • Use different strategies to recognise and motivate others to deliver high performance
  • Improve your ability to deal with difficult people and situations
  • Help your teams to manage and adapt to change

Completing the programme

The programme comprises of a number of elements to provide varied learning opportunities over the 6-month period:

  • This is a modular approach with a launch event, four topic modules, Action Learning Sets and an impact event to review the learning and experience.
  • The time in-between each module allows the space to apply the relevant learning in the working environment and work with colleagues in groups using action learning sets.
  • The modules are facilitated virtual online sessions, with self-guided learning completed before each module and continuing development after each module accessed through Blackboard