Students' Union scoops NUS award and vows to champion accessibility
09 Jul 2012
The University of Manchester Students’ Union has been recognised for its commitment towards providing an accessible space for deaf and disabled students and gig-goers at an NUS awards event.
The University of Manchester Students' Union is the first Students’ Union to be awarded the ‘Access Challenge: Most Improved’ accolade after signing up to the NUS Access Challenge and making improvements such as a hearing induction loop, accessible toilets and level access. The Access Challenge, established to improve access in students’ unions, is a partnership between NUS, national charity Attitude is Everything, Disabled Go and the Changing Places Campaign.
Collecting the award, Pringle thanked outgoing Welfare Officer Hannah Patterson - this year’s national officer for Disabled students at NUS - who worked with disabled students to encourage the changes.
Of the Award, Nick Pringle said, "We are delighted to be recognised for our making steps to improve access for deaf and disabled students and will continue to champion the culture of accessibility for students and the public in our building, in our community, and nationally."
University of Manchester Students' Union began working with Attitude is Everything in 2011 to improve deaf and disabled people’s access to music venues.
Venues including The Academy 1, 2 and 3, Club Academy and the Union Bar were 'mystery-shopped' by deaf and disabled gig-goers to help them make improvements in line with customer feedback. The venues underwent rigorous investigation, including an access survey, and were required to make an action plan demonstrating their long-term commitment towards accessibility.
This year, the University of Manchester Students’ Union was awarded the Bronze Level of the Access Challenge Charter of Best Practice.
For more information about the University of Manchester Students Union and its commitment to accessibility, visit