Summer Intensive Mandarin Chinese language course 2012
06 Jun 2012
Enrol by 16 June for two-week beginner and intermediate courses.
The Confucius Institute is pleased to announce that our Summer Intensive Mandarin Chinese course will be taking place in June 2012.
- Beginner: 25 June to 7 July 2012 (two weeks)
- Intermediate: 9 July to 21 July 2012 (two weeks)
You will have the opportunity to develop your skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. There will be sufficient drill practice and interactive language exercises to ensure that your grasp of the language is greatly improved in a short period.
For detailed descriptions of the courses and a sample timetable, please visit:
To enrol for the course:
- Complete an enrolment form, available on the website;
- Submit cash, a cheque or a completed card payment form (also available from the website) by 16 June 2012 and post to the following address:
Confucius Institute at The University of Manchester
Samuel Alexander Building, 3rd Floor South Wing
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
For any queries:
- Email Spring Zhang at
or - Call 0161 275 3698/8667