World authority on ageing and the family to give free public lecture
22 Mar 2012
Professor Linda Waite, University of Chicago, will speak on Monday 26 March 2012 (6.30pm-8pm) in Lecture Theatre C16, Renold Building, North Campus.
‘Sexuality during the Golden Years: Partnership, Health, and Happiness’: a public lecture for the Manchester Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Research on Ageing (MICRA)
A world-renowned expert on ageing, the family and health is to give a public lecture at The University of Manchester on Monday. Linda Waite, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center on Ageing at the University of Chicago, will present her talk on ‘Sexuality during the Golden Years: Partnership, Health, and Happiness’ on 26 March for the Manchester Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Research on Ageing (MICRA).
In her lecture Professor Waite will argue that healthy sexuality is a part of healthy ageing. Whilst stereotypes of older adults generally ignore sexuality, Professor Waite’s research shows that the majority of older men and many older women have active sex lives, and only at the oldest ages do most partnered adults report that they did not have sex in the past year. Whilst older women are much less likely to be sexually active than older men, her research showed this was because they are less likely to have a partner, with most older women experiencing the death of their partner.
Professor Waite will also show that an active sex life in older age is linked to satisfaction with a partnership, with those unhappy with their marriage less likely to be sexually active. "We carried out interviews to compare what couples say about their marriage" says Professor Waite. "An early look at older couples suggests that personality traits of each of the spouses or partners affects the way the other assesses the marriage, including satisfaction with sex."
The lecture will be chaired by Professor James Nazroo, Director of The University of Manchester’s Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research and Co-director of MICRA.
This event is free and open to all.
You can register your intention to attend or obtain more information online at: