2012 Distinguished Achievement Awards
09 Dec 2011
Nominations invited by Friday 10 February 2012.
The 2012 round of the Distinguished Achievement Awards has just opened.
As in previous years, Faculties will be co-ordinating nominations in the following categories:
1. Teacher of the Year
2. Researcher of the Year
3. Undergraduate Student of the Year
4. Postgraduate Student of the Year
Faculties and all individual members of staff are also invited to nominate colleagues under the:
5. Professional Support Services (PSS), Library, Manchester Museum and Whitworth Art Gallery Individual and Team Distinguished Achievement Award category
If you would like to nominate an individual or a team for a PSS, Library, Manchester Museum and Whitworth Art Gallery Award, please refer to the guidance:
- Guidance on Distinguished Achievement Awards: PSS, Library, Manchester Musem and Whitworth Art Gallery category (PDF, 70.5 KB)
All staff are also able to nominate in the:
6. General category of the Distinguished Achievement Awards
The General category is to be used only when the other categories of awards are not appropriate. In such cases, a member or staff or a student can be nominated.
The General category is designed to recognised sustained and/or exceptional service to the University which is over and above what is normally expected of someone as part of their job, role or course. Retiring staff members of retiring lay members of the Board of Governors might be examples.
For more information, please refer to:
- Guidance on Distinguished Achievement Awards: General category (PDF, 54.74 KB)