Recognising and Rewarding Exceptional Performance policy
17 Nov 2011
Introducing a single mechanism by which exceptional performance can be recognised and rewarded.
The above policy rewards
- Exceptional Performance, generally a one-off task or project work, and
- Sustained Exceptional Performance where exceptional contribution has been sustained for a period of at least six months and is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.
Further details can be found in:
Applications are usually made by line managers using the standard form, Appendix 1 of the policy; it is possible to request your line manager to make an application on your behalf but if your manager feels unable to support the case, you may make a personal application.
Applications in respect of academic related and support staff should be made by 16 January 2012, for academic staff the timetable is set locally.
Any enquiries about this policy should be addressed in the first instance to your local Human Resources office.