Nuclear Executive training course held in Manchester
11 Apr 2011
The University of Manchester held a first-of-its-kind training course for senior nuclear executives on technology development and regulation.
Drawing on the expertise of academics at the Dalton Nuclear Institute, the event provided a unique mix of learning about international and national nuclear policy drivers, nuclear technology developments and operation and regulation on licensed sites.
In partnership with Manchester Business School and the French International Nuclear Academy, the course involved a high level of delegate interaction and was delivered through a combination of lectures and case studies by senior nuclear experts and academics.
Positive feedback from delegates included the quotes:
"Some great presenters with a huge amount of knowledge and experience"
"Two fantastic days - rich experience”
"Great diversity of speakers with many years of experience in the nuclear industry and areas of specialism".
Over the next few months, Dalton will be producing a range of both technical and nuclear managerial training that will meet the specific needs of nuclear organisations.
This will be offered through open courses and through tailor-made training developed to meet the needs of individual companies.
The University is a member of National Skills Academy for Nuclear and works with the body to identify industry's training needs.
The course was held at Manchester Conference Centre in March and nine delegates attended.
There were presenters from Costain, EDF Energy, NNL, the INA and from the University included Professor Simon French, Professor Francis Livens, Professor Gregg Butler, Professor Kevin Anderson, Dr John Roberts and Professor Peter Storey.
Professor Storey said: "Industry managers need this first-of-a-kind nuclear senior executive course to help them explore the key issues facing nuclear energy and to understand how to operate successfully in this closely scrutinised and regulated sector."