Free Introductory Catalan course!
28 Feb 2011
Open to all - apply by 4 March
The University Language Centre is offering a free, non-credit bearing, Introductory Catalan course starting Wednesday 9 March, open to all including members of staff. The course is twice a week, Wednesdays 5.30-7.30pm and Fridays 2.30-4.30pm. This makes a total of four hours a week, for 7½ weeks (last session Wednesday 18 May).
The course is for complete beginners and includes no assessment, although a certain amount of is expected for progression purposes. The course material will be supplied by the tutor.
If interested, please write to:
-, indicating your full name, ID (library card) number and department
Note that the deadline for applications is Friday 4 March at 3pm.
The course will only go ahead if a minimum number of applicants (15) is reached. You will receive an email confirming whether the course will go ahead, as well as a) a place on the course, and b) timetable and venue, by Monday 7 March.