Mindfulness Meditation Practice Day
21 Feb 2011
On Saturday 12 March (9.15 am-4.30 pm) in the Dover Street Building
Manchester Mindfulness Meditation supported by The University of Manchester Counselling Service
- £15 full rate
- £7.50 students/concessions
Registration will take place from 9.15am to 9.45am. Please bring a packed lunch. You will be asked to remain in the Dover Street Building and to keep the lunch period in silence.
Mindfulness Meditation, also known as Insight or Vipassana Meditation, is a simple technique which has been practised in Asia for over 2,500 years. The practice is open and accessible to people of any or no religious affiliation. Mindfulness means learning to pay attention intentionally, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to become familiar with the workings of your mind.
The day will provide an opportunity for sustained meditation, supported by an atmosphere of silence. The retreat is suitable for beginners as well as those with experience of meditation practice. Guidance will be given and there will be talks, as well as the opportunity to ask questions.
- Paul Burrows, associated with Gaia House in Devon, has been a student of both Asian and senior western Dharma teachers since 2000. He began leading retreats in the Insight Meditation tradition in 2007. His teachings and practice emphasise connecting with others.
You can find more information online at:
Advance, postal booking is essential.
Please make cheques payable to:
- Manchester Mindfulness Meditation
and provide the following details:
Name: | |
Address: | |
Telephone No: | |
email address: | |
I enclose a cheque for: | £15 / £7.50 |
Disabled access required: | YES / NO (if required, we shall contact you with details) |
Send your details and payment by post to:
- Mary Walsh
5th Floor, Crawford House
Oxford Road
M13 9QS
If you do not hear from us, please assume that your place is booked.
If you want your booking confirmed, please send a stamped addressed envelope.