Consultation on proposed changes to USS
07 Sep 2010
Affected members will have opportunity to provide feedback confidentially
The USS trustee board has approved a package of proposals for changes to scheme benefits.
A summary of the proposals has been distributed via eUpdates and email and the University will shortly be entering into a period of consultation on these changes.
It is a legal requirement for employers to provide information about proposals for change to their employees who are active or prospective members (affected members) of the scheme and their representatives, and to consult with those representatives. Although it is not a legal requirement to consult with affected members, we believe that it is good practice to do so.
Information about the changes will be made available on a consultation website with affected members and their representatives being given the opportunity to provide feedback confidentially.
The consultation period is expected to start in early October and will last for a minimum of 60 days.
It is important that all affected members receive information about the proposals, including those who are absent from the workplace, for example, due to sickness, on maternity, adoption or paternity leave or on secondment. Line managers will be asked to ensure that correspondence on this matter is delivered to staff who are absent.
Pensions Office
8 September 2010