Events at The Manchester Museum
02 Jun 2010
Hidden history of Whitworth Park, Ideas Cafe and Refugee Week celebration
Wednesday 9 June / 1-4pm
Revealing the hidden history of Whitworth Park
Help uncover some of the hidden features of the park and record your memories of the park as part of the Revealing the hidden history of Whitworth Park project, organised by The Manchester Museum, the University's archaeology department, the Whitworth Art Gallery and the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre. The project will lead to a detailed historic archive about the park, a website, and improved information in the park itself.
Drop-in, free, all ages
Wednesday 9 June / 12.30-1.15pm
Ideas Café: Island life
Investigate current and past research on island birds at this talk by Henry Mcghie, The Manchester Museum, and Martin Jones, MMU. Part of The Evolutionist, our Darwin extravaganza, and the International Year of Biodiversity.
Book on 0161 275 2648, Free, Adults and older children
Saturday 12 June / 11am-4pm
Refugee Week
Celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK
11am-4pm: Destination Unknown
Is it inhumane to deport people living with HIV who are on treatment to a country where treatment is not readily available or affordable? A persuasive presentation by George House Trust made up of visual images, including digital stories, and a photo exhibition. A panel debate with local experts and positive speakers facing possible removal from the UK will take place at 3pm.
Drop-in, free, all ages
11am-4pm: Object handling and art and craft
What would you pack if you had to suddenly leave your house? Draw your own suitcase with your belongings inside, create a peace dove and learn about food from around the world.
Drop-in, free, all ages
11am-4pm: Look beyond the label: a refugee is a person
The Red Cross supports refugees in the UK in a wide number of ways. To find out more visit the exhibition of creative work by the Red Cross Women's and Men's Refugee Support Groups, ask questions of Red Cross workers, listen to international storytelling and poetry readings and participate in family workshops.
Drop-in, free, all ages
11am-4pm: Black Health Agency (BHA) celebrates Refugee Week
Join some Black Health Agency service users as they share special stories of life in their homelands, create memory objects depicting the life they have fled and the new life they now live.
Drop-in, free, all ages
11am-4pm: My Manchester
Find about more about the PeaceMaker refugee mentoring project and see photographs of Manchester taken by the group.
Drop-in, free, all ages
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- Visit The Manchester Museum
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