Wood Street Mission Christmas Project 2009
01 Dec 2009
Help make a child’s Christmas special this year
Below are some guidelines provided by the Wood Street Mission:
The Wood Street Mission expects to be asked to help over 3,000 children this Christmas. Each child will be given a brand new gift suitable for their age and development.
Traditionally they receive lots of toys for babies and young children but struggle with the older children. If you want to buy toys towards the Christmas Project, you might want to consider buying items for either girls or boys aged 8-13.
Possible ideas could include:
- Small make-up and toiletries sets
- Arts and crafts gifts
- Music tokens
- Costume jewellery
- Sports goods (non-clothing)
- Small electronic games
- Any Star Wars, Harry Potter or other Disney merchandise
Non-perishable food items are welcomed for the food parcels. In particular, they always run short of:
- Tea or coffee
- Puddings (mince pies etc.)
- Biscuits (packets rather than expensive boxes or tins)
- Chocolates or sweets
The last pick-up from the University this year is Friday 4 December. Arrangements can be made for any donations to be collected from your School and/or Section.
If you have any questions, please contact:
- Muriel Shingler on 62523 or muriel.shingler@manchester.ac.uk
or - The Treasurer, Mrs Rose Underwood, Accounts Payable, on 52724 or r.underwood@manchester.ac.uk