University-branded items and academic diaries.
19 Mar 2009
Buy them at the GiftShop and Wholesale websites.
NOTE: The GiftShop will be doing academic diaries this year - more information to come in May.
For University-branded goods, visit:
From time to time University departments may need to source and purchase branded items in bulk or to search for unique items for events:
GiftShop also holds the following University-branded items which can be ordered in any quantity:
- Staff lanyards £1.50 per set
- Ball point pens ranging from 25p-65p
- White 100% recycled plastic bag 25p
- Paper bag with string handle 80p
- Yellow post-it notes £1.30
If you would like to purchase any of the above, please remember to include the following in your email:
- Delivery address (including floor/room numbers)
- Full journal transfer code
- Date required
- Quantities
If you have any GiftShop queries, please contact:
- / 64081