Buy branded goods online at the University GiftShop.
17 Feb 2009
An opportunity to offer your guests a fine cup of tea.
Staff can now purchase a stunning fine bone china mug from the Giftshop for only £5.99.
Full details at:
Do you need University-branded promotional items?
In order to protect the University's visual identity, and to help Schools and departments by providing a reliable supply and consistency of quality of branded goods, the following guidance has recently been sent out to all departments.
The University has two approved online resources for the purchase of departmental and University-branded goods, which feature clothing, jewellery, conference items, giftware, stationery, bags, books, and many other items.
For University-branded goods:
From time to time University departments may need to source and purchase branded items in bulk or to search for unique items for events:
GiftShop also holds the following University-branded items which can be ordered in any quantity:
- Staff Lanyards £1.50 per set
- Ball point pens ranging from 29p-65p
- White 100% recycled plastic bag 25p
- Paper bag with string handle 80p
- Yellow post-it notes £1.30
If you would like to purchase any of the above please remember to include the following in your email:
- Delivery address including floor/room numbers
- Full journal transfer code including IE code
- Date required
- Quantities
If you have any GiftShop queries, please contact:
- Katy Dixon at or 64081