Lyreco increase prices on non-core products.
03 Oct 2008
Effective from 1 November 2008.
Lyreco have applied for an increase to their current pricing for non-core products. The increase has come about due to the recent significant currency fluctuations. An increase was held off in May 2008 but Lyreco feel they are unable to continue to absorb the additional costs.
The North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium (NWUPC), who manage the contract on behalf of The University of Manchester, have considered the application and accepted the increase with effect from 1 November 2008 which only affects the non-core items.
The increases mainly affect branded items and Lyreco have been able to suggest Impega alternatives to many of these lines which, should they be substituted, actually represent a saving for the University.
You can view details of the price changes at:
The Lyreco catalogue on Oracle will be updated to reflect these changes.