Advanced Certificate in Management Studies.
27 May 2008
For existing/aspiring senior managers from 30 September.
The Staff Training and Development Unit is pleased to confirm that the 'The Advanced Certificate in Management Studies (Edexcel Level 7)' will begin on Tuesday 30 September 2008 from 1pm to 4pm. This qualification was previously known as the 'Diploma in Management Studies'.
The course leads to a nationally recognised qualification in Management Studies and the award is accredited by EDEXCEL/BTEC. The course is delivered over 42 sessions and attendance is one afternoon each week (Tuesday) from 1pm to 4pm at the Staff Training and Development Unit, Humanities Building, Bridgeford Street.
The Advanced Certificate in Management Studies is designed to provide a professional qualification for staff who are senior managers or who are middle managers wishing to move into senior management positions.
Participants will have the opportunity:
- To develop the higher-level skills required for middle to senior management with decision-making responsibilities.
- To demonstrate self-direction, the ability to act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks, and to show originality in tackling and solving problems.
- To acquire a comprehensive understanding of management techniques and the ability to apply these to complex issues.
If you are interested in applying for a place, you can obtain further information and an application form by emailing: