Access/egress restriction at Bridgeford Street/Higher Cambridge Street
11 Sep 2007
Work due to start on 10 September and last for 4-6 weeks
University staff are being advised that there is a temporary access/egress restriction to the Bridgeford Street/Higher Cambridge Street area of campus. This is due to work taking place as part of the Public Realm project.
During week commencing 10 September, the contractor will progress works to the Higher Cambridge Street end of Bridgeford Street, in front of the Dental Hospital entrance. To facilitate these works and in the interests of health and safety for staff, students, visitors, the general public and patients, the contractor will erect security fencing to enclose his work areas.
Works in this area are scheduled to last for a period of 4-6 weeks. Emergency escape routes from all affected buildings in this area will be maintained and directional signage for both pedestrian and vehicular movement will reflect the current status.
It should be noted that vehicular access to this area of campus will generally be via Booth Street West and egress onto Higher Cambridge Street will be from Coupland Street.
The Capital Projects Group would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any short term inconvenience this may cause and would request that directional signs and health and safety guidance provided by the contractor are strictly adhered to at all times.