Celebrating Jack Dongarra’s Turing Award
07 Jul 2022
Professor Jack Dongarra will deliver a General Lecture following a Symposium to celebrate winning the ACM A. M. Turing Award
Earlier this year, Prof Jack Dongarra was awarded the ACM Turing Award – popularly known as the "Nobel Prize of Computing.” In celebration of this achievement, the University will be hosting a Symposium and Public Lecture on 21st July 2022 from 3.00pm until 6.30pm, in Engineering Building A.
Jack’s lecture will be entitled “A Not So Simple Matter of Software.” In his talk he will look at some of the changes that have occurred in high performance computing and the impact that is having on how our algorithms and software libraries are designed for our high-end computers.
The lecture will take place on Thursday, 21 July at 5.30pm in Lecture Theatre B in Engineering Building A.
Speakers at the Symposium will include:
- Sven Hammarling (Mathematics, The University of Manchester)
- Francoise Tisseur (Mathematics, University of Manchester)
- Mawussi Zounon (ARM Manchester)
- Nick Higham FRS (Mathematics, University of Manchester)
The Symposium will precede Jack’s lecture, and will take place on Thursday, 21 July from 3.00pm to 5.30pm in GA.056 in Engineering Building A.
You can register for the symposium and public lecture, or the public lecture only. Follow the links to read more and register: