Sustainable Futures Seminar Series: Dr Claudia Henninger and Prof Holly Shiels
13 May 2022
Sign up to attend on Thursday, 26 May
Sustainable Futures Seminar Series: 2pm - 3:15pm
Dr Claudia Henninger | Going in Circles – opportunities and drawbacks of going circular in the fashion industry
This presentation provides a brief overview of the fashion industry, as well as outlines what current opportunities and drawbacks are of going circular. Going in circles is a reference to the multiple different business models that are available for organisations to engage in, but also to the multiple, re-emerging challenges that are being faced.
Professor Holly Shiels | Polyaromatic hydrocarbon-based cardiotoxicity and how fish health following oil spills provide sentinel information for tackling human health with air pollution
Fundamental biological pathways tend to be conserved amongst vertebrates. Thus, fish exposed to petroleum-derived polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) mixtures in the aquatic environment have served as sentinels for the potential human health impacts of PAHs in air pollution. The seminar will reveal the conserved pathways inducing toxicity in hearts of these diverse vertebrates and show how working across traditional boundaries is vital for filling knowledge gaps and strengthening the foundation for combined air and water policy management.