"Free choice" courses in Business and Management for all UG students
01 May 2007
BMaP course and application information available online
Business and Management for all Programmes (BMaP) is a suite of 25 undergraduate business and management courses at varying levels offered by Manchester Business School. The courses are open to all undergraduate students across the University who are eligible to take 'free choice' options as part of their degree structure, providing they meet the entry criteria for the course(s) concerned. Visiting students and those on exchange programmes are also eligible to be considered for some/all of the BMaP courses in 2007/08.
Detailed information on the individual BMaP courses available can be obtained from:
A leaflet promoting BMaP for distribution to students will be available by mid May. If you would like to receive copies of the leaflet, or require further information on the courses or application procedure please contact the BMaP coordinator:
- Jenny Brown at jenny.brown@mbs.ac.uk