Sustainable Futures External Showcase Launch - registrations now open
14 Sep 2021
Join us at the upcoming Sustainable Futures External Showcase Launch event taking place virtually on Wednesday, 20 October from 10am until 11:30am
This free to attend event will bring together researchers from across our University and key external stakeholders to discuss sustainability activity at UoM at the launch of the new Sustainable Futures initiative.
Sustainable Futures brings together the unique depth and breadth of internationally leading research at The University of Manchester and builds on the University’s track record of successful interdisciplinary working, to produce integrated and truly sustainable solutions to urgent environmental challenges.
Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice Chancellor, will welcome attendees followed by an overview of Sustainable Futures 'challenge areas'. The event will include a panel discussion, with key local and national participants, on what Sustainable Futures can do that is new in terms of producing useful environmental solutions, how Universities can work more effectively with other organisations to address environmental challenges, and how can we be more effective in terms of applying knowledge and evidence to address sustainability challenges.