'Right to work' checks can still be carried out remotely
02 Sep 2021
New starters can send electronic versions of documents instead of hard copies until April 2022
Due to the global pandemic, the UK government introduced a temporary adjustment to the required checks employers must carry out to establish that a worker is legally entitled to work in the UK. This adjustment means that instead of inspecting physical documents, we can accept electronic scans of the documents. We must still see the person holding the original document, but this can be done via video rather than in person.
The adjusted check was due to end, with a return to requiring original, physical documents in Sept 2021. However the government has confirmed that the adjusted checking procedure has been extended until April 2022. Therefore if you are carrying out right to work checks on new starters, you may continue to do so remotely.
Please contact your Employment Services team if you require further information after reading the guidance.