Molecular Visualization Day
28 Mar 2007
Talks and demonstrations on 20 April
Friday 20 April 2007
Lecture Theatre B, Coupland 3, University of Manchester
Manchester Visualization Centre in collaboration with the UK AVS+Uniras User Group (UAUUG) is holding a Molecular Visualization Day on Friday 20 April 2007. Talks and demonstrations will be given by presenters from The Swiss National Computing Centre, Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (Germany), Daresbury Laboratory, University of Linkoping (Sweden), The University of Manchester, Virtalis and AVS Inc.
Further details and the agenda can be found at:
The meeting will be held in Coupland 3, University of Manchester and will start at 10 am and finish at 4 pm. Attendance is free and lunch will be provided. To confirm attendance, please email: