Dragon Boat teams wanted ...
16 Mar 2007
... for Two Cities Boat Race on 12 May
12 May is the date, and Salford Quays the venue for the annual Two Cities Boat Race between the universities of Manchester and Salford. Ahead of the main athletic regatta, the peace of the Quays will be shattered by screaming, drumming Dragon Boat teams competing in aid of SPARKS (Sport Aiding Medical Research for Kids), our chosen charity for this year.
If your department or just a group of your friends and family fancy a great day out, now is the time to get in touch. Those who rowed last year will know that, apart from the thrill of competing in one of the top waterborne events in the north, it is actually a lot of fun, and there is food and entertainment around the waterside on the day. Each boat needs 16 people to paddle and someone crazy to drum or scream (whichever is their preference, as long as they have some sort of rhythm). Fancy dress or team strip is not compulsory, but is encouraged for the spectacle, as long as a life jacket will fit over it.
Potential boat organizers - please register your interest with:
- Richard Handscombe, STARS, at richard.handscombe@manchester.ac.uk
Richard will then send out more information on the amount of sponsorship you will need to gather for a boat, and supply posters and sponsorship forms.
More information on Dragon Boat racing and the Two Cities Boat Race can be found at: