More counselling and mental health service online workshops
29 Jun 2020
Sessions to help staff learn how to develop skills in assertiveness and manage anxiety
The Counselling and mental health service are delivering a series of workshops online in July.
These include:
- Developing skills in assertiveness (Tuesday, 7 July, 1pm-2pm)
- Managing anxiety (Tuesday, 21 July 1pm-2pm)
Both sessions will be held by a counsellor from the University of Manchester Counselling Service.
Book your place
Go to the University of Manchester Counselling Service website, look at groups and workshops, request an invitation for the date or dates required. On the day you will be sent an invitation.
The counsellor will mute your microphone at the start of the session. If you have a problem or wish to communicate with the counsellor, you can use the chat window by typing a message.