Purchasing guidance for staff returning to campus in research facilities
02 Jul 2020
Important change for all staff returning to campus – eMarketplace is now available
Given the University’s current financial position, only essential goods and services can be purchased following the existing procurement guidance. However, as some research operations begin to re-open a new purchasing procedure has been put in place to enable staff working in these facilities to purchase essential goods only. The information below outlines how this will work.
Who will be able to purchase goods and services relating to re-opening research facilities?
The prioritisation and management of the phased re-opening of some research facilities and buildings is being managed by the Faculties, with each Faculty keeping a register of those staff asked to return to campus(i.e. to their University physical location).
These registers will be shared with local Finance operation teams. Only purchasing requests from people who appear on the relevant return to campus register will be accepted.
What can these staff purchase?
Only essential goods and services directly related to and strictly necessary to the research which is re-starting can be purchased. Any essential non-research related purchases should follow the existing procurement process. Essential research related purchases should be charged to externally-funded grants wherever possible and not core University budgets. Contact your Research Finance Team for further clarification if needed.
What should I do before making a purchase request?
Before making a request, check with the relevant University Stores to see if the item/s you need are already available. Do not visit University Stores in person, instead contact them by phone or email:
The items I need are not available through University Stores – what do I do next?
If you are on the Return to Campus Register, your Oracle purchases no longer require approval from a member of the University’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
If you are an existing Oracle Requisitioner:
eMarketplace will now be available to raise requisitions for purchases. For clarity, if you are not listed on the Return to Campus Register, you will not be able to purchase through eMarketplace.
Non-Catalogue Requests can be raised and will be processed if the requisitions name appears on the Return to Campus Register.
If you are not an existing Oracle Requisitioner, or do not have access to an Oracle Requisitioner:
Purchase requests should be submitted through a Requisition Request Form. Email the completed form to: requisition_request@manchester.ac.uk. The Procurement Hub will process the forms and raise an Oracle requisition. Accepted requisition request forms will follow the usual Oracle approver route to Requisitioner Approver and then to Higher Value approver if appropriate.
Where will the goods be delivered to?
Please note, currently there is a limit to delivery points available as not all stores are open and this requires further consideration for the purchases of any hazardous goods:
If you are requesting hazardous goods you must contact your Health and Safety Advisor before placing the order. The University is not operating business as usual so you will need to ensure any such goods can be transported and delivered to end users safely.
Currently only 3 stores are open to receive deliveries, before raising any requisitions you will need to amend your default delivery address to enable goods to be shipped to one of the these stores.
How to amend your default delivery address
You must choose one of the following:
- Quick Select - Location: Stopford Building - Goods Inward
- Quick Select - Location: Chemistry Stores
- Quick Select - Location: MIB Stores
You will need to add your contact details in “Notes to Receiver” to facilitate the onwards delivery of goods to you.
- For any support please contact the Procurement Hub.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If your name is not on the ‘Return to Campus Register’ kept by your Faculty, University Stores or the Procurement Hub will return your Requisition Request Form and you will need to liaise with the following Faculty contacts to make sure your name appears on the register:
- Sarah Mullholland, Head of School Operations, Faculty of Science and Engineering - sarah.mulholland@manchester.ac.uk
- Kerrie Webb, Research Project Officer, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health - kerrie.webb@manchester.ac.uk
- Philippa Woods, Head of Faculty Finance, Faculty of Humanities - philippa.woods@manchester.ac.uk
Access to eMarketplace is managed by a third party, this service is only available on a weekly basis, any updates received by close of play Thursday, will have access by the following Tuesday.
RBS Purchasing Cards Requests:
Purchasing card requests should ONLY be sent to foms@manchester.ac.uk. These will need to be pre-approved by the relevant member of SLT or their immediate delegate and their approval should be forwarded with the request, to avoid delays.
Can I book any travel related to my research?
Only essential travel is permitted and must be booked through Key Travel and have pre-approval from an SLT member or their immediate delegate.
Frequent Traveller Credit Cards: The Government currently advises that UK residents should not travel abroad except for essential reasons. If you do need to use your Frequent Traveller Credit Card you must get approval from the relevant member of SLT before using your card.