Student hardship fund launched
29 Apr 2020
A special appeal to support our Manchester undergraduates
Manchester students are facing hardship like never before. Some have lost the part-time work they rely on. Their summer jobs and internships have been cancelled. They’re desperately worried about the months ahead.
Others are facing costs they could never have budgeted for. Many international students are still in Manchester, facing the uncertainty of a prolonged stay in the UK.
Supporting the students who need it most
One in four Manchester undergraduates comes from a low-income background. These students have worked hard – often against the odds – to secure a place at the University.
Sadly these students are most likely to be left in financial hardship as a result of the pandemic. They’re more likely to rely on part-time work to cover their living costs. And they’re least able to fall back on financial support from their families.
Helping struggling students continue at Manchester
Over the coming months, many more students will be worrying about their finances. Some might even be forced to abandon their dream of a Manchester education.
If you're able to donate, your gift will support students now and in the months ahead – ensuring that no Manchester student is left with nowhere to turn.
Your support will help a struggling student continue their education and fulfil their potential.
Our student community is large and diverse. We’re proud to welcome talented people from all walks of life.
Your gift will help create a £1 million emergency fund, to support students now and in the months to come. With University funding and gifts from generous donors, we're off to a great start. Now we need your help to make sure no Manchester student is left struggling.
Every gift made to this special project will be matched by a group of generous Manchester graduates – right up to our target of £1 million
That means that every pound you give will be worth twice as much to our students.
So please give what you can, and show your support for Manchester students today.