Get ready to take part in the 2020 Great Science Share
27 Apr 2020
The Great Science Share launches on Monday, 4 May with a new programme that families, young people, staff and students can all enjoy
This fast-growing, annual campaign inspires primary and secondary children to share their scientific questions with new audiences. A swift tweak of strategy means we will launch on Monday, 4 May with a programme that families, young people, staff and students can take part in.
As a University of Manchester trademarked campaign it has already reached over 100,000 young people. This year is its 5th birthday and registrations are still active and promises to be as exciting as ever!
What’s it about?
Basically it’s as simple as children being supported to ask and share a scientific question. It’s a fabulous opportunity to encourage children to work together, with their parents, families and friends to get curious, explore, be hands-on and share what they find with someone else.
“Science is exciting and is all about asking questions, and trying to answer them as best we can. The Great Science Share encourages this, developing curiosity and enthusiasm for Science.” Dr Helen Mason OBE, Retired Reader in Solar Physics, The University of Cambridge.
What’s inspiring about it?
5 engaging weekly themes will spark interest in topics related to the Global Sustainability Goals - from space to waste, from oceans to wildlife. Each theme has a range of free resources collected from partners in the sector which are there for inspiration, to try and explore.
How will the share happen? Of course, it’ll all be virtual this year. The opportunity to share questions each week and investigations on the 16 June. Some great ideas are to take a science selfie, share a photo of an investigation, make a video, draw a picture or write a report. The benefits of registering are that children will receive the 2020 certificate, get targeted information and also incentives and prizes for their school.
By sharing via Twitter, Facebook or the Great Science Share website, they will appear on our social media channels and the Great Science Share website with the intention to create some real legacy from this year’s campaign.
What next? – get involved!
16 June 2020 Great Science Share – Twitter is the main place where we’ll be able to see young people sharing the science they love – follow us @GreatSciShare, like out Facebook page ‘greatscishare4schools’ or email us at