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Updated PGR and Research FAQs: COVID-19 research, volunteering, accommodation

20 Apr 2020

Frequently asked questions are updated regularly

This advice is correct at the time of publication of this news article.

If you have health concerns then you should refer to the NHS website as recommended by Public Health England. For other queries regarding the current situation, email

The following new questions have been added:

What is the agreed University process to enable rapid responses to COVID-19 research and related activities?

The University has developed a COVID-19 research response process to ensure that COVID-19 related requests from academics, the NHS, and industry to deploy services and research, are managed effectively and efficiently whilst ensuring safety and appropriate use of resource during this challenging time (ie. reduced access to university buildings and facilities, working from home, compliance with government guidance around social distancing, etc).

This process runs in parallel with the University’s normal research governance processes that support research involving human participants. Ethical standards must still be maintained during this period and details of how ethics applications can be amended to support COVID-19 research or new applications will be reviewed can be found on the COVID-19 tabs on the Research Ethics website.

The overall process has been agreed following numerous conversations across the University, and is now the process we should be following. We will, however, review it periodically to ensure it remains fit for purpose. In the meantime, it is essential that all staff comply with it for the foreseeable future.

We appreciate this might not fit all scenarios – in those circumstances please contact for further advice.

The following questions have been updated:

How can I find out more about volunteering?

We know that many of you are keen to volunteer and offer support in your spare time.

PGRs who volunteer (unpaid) should be mindful of the potential impact to their academic progress and discuss arrangements with their supervisor. Time spent volunteering will not be considered as grounds for a future extension, unless the volunteering relates to COVID-19 research/testing and was agreed with supervisor/s. In cases where the volunteering relates to COVID-19 research/testing and has been agreed by your supervisor/s, please also inform your PGR support team.

A number of PGRs are keen to offer their services and undertake work relating to COVID-19 testing that may be paid. Again, this should only be undertaken following agreement with your supervisor/s. The appropriate PGR support team should also be informed. If you wish to undertake paid work which is more than 20 hours per week and which cannot be accommodated around your research project, then you will need to interrupt your studies accordingly – please contact your PGR support team for further advice.

Further information on how to volunteer is available for both students and staff.

I live in University accommodation. Will I need to leave?

If you are residing in University accommodation please contact the Accommodation Office on for updates. Alternatively, out of working hours the Hall ResLife Team. Further information about halls of residence is available in the Student FAQs.

Universities in Greater Manchester are encouraging landlords of private rented accommodation to release students who have vacated their accommodation due to the coronavirus pandemic from their contracts.

More information