Volunteers needed to assist with research on the wrist joint.
16 Jan 2008
Adults under 60 sought, with no symptoms of wrist pain or previous problems.
Dear Colleagues
Injuries to the wrist are extremely common with up to 10% of injured people suffering long-term associated problems, e.g. a permanently weak grip and unremitting pain following a fractured wrist.
We are doing some crucial research at The University of Manchester together with the Department of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at SMUHT NHS trust and we need to recruit some healthy volunteers with no known problems to their wrists to undergo a wrist examination, some wrist X-rays and MRI scans. It is not an onerous commitment yet it is anticipated that the findings of this study will have the potential to significantly improve the prognosis for people the world over who are unfortunate enough to injure their wrists.
You can obtain full details of what is involved by downloading this poster.
Ethical approval has been given by North Manchester Research Ethics Committee, reference number 07/Q1406/7.
If you are willing to volunteer to assist us with this important study or would like more information on how you can help:
- Complete the Volunteer Response Form
or - email Paul.Malone@manchester.ac.uk
Many thanks!
Paul SC Malone, MBChB, MRCS
Surgical Research Fellow, Blond McIndoe Research Laboratories, The University of Manchester