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School Governor Initiative roadshow goes to Oldham

28 Feb 2020

On the evening of Wednesday, 26 February, our School Governor Initiative together with its partner charity Governors for Schools went to Oldham to speak to local schools and University staff residing in the borough

SGI Oldham

The aim of the event was to tap into our University staff living in Oldham and surrounding areas and tell them about local governor opportunities on their doorstep. We invited local schools and authorities to bring details of their governor vacancies and provided a warm and welcoming space for everyone to interact and find out more about the role.

Over the last nine years, our School Governor Initiative has grown its staff and alumni network to over 1,000 governors, this has been a fantastic achievement and really highlights the commitment people up and down the country have made to this cause.

Some Greater Manchester boroughs like Oldham however still have little or no representation from University staff on governing boards and we want to highlight that opportunities do exist for staff and alumni outside of Manchester and the more central boroughs. 

University staff living in any part of Greater Manchester and beyond can make a difference in their own community through governing and this event really highlighted that lots of people are willing to do just that.