Improving provision of computer equipment
20 Feb 2020
Information about how IT Services are improving the supply of computers to staff and postgraduate researchers
As you may be aware, there has been a delay in the provision of desktop and laptop computers - a significant backlog had developed due to increasing demand and the upgrade to Windows 10.
We fully understand the impact this is having on our staff and students, and we recently put measures in place to deal with this as the top priority within IT Services.
We recruited eight additional members of staff at the end of January, who have been dealing with the backlog and providing the computer equipment our colleagues need.
In addition to dealing with the existing requests, we’ve developed a number of tools to streamline the process, which will make it faster and more efficient for all IT support staff to provide and support new computers.
We expect to have worked through the backlog by the end of March, and are confident that normal service delivery, which is now back on target, will remain at an acceptable level in future.