Men’s Health Month – event tomorrow!
18 Nov 2019
Find out about testicular cancer, how to spot signs and the symptoms, with charity BaggyTrousersUK
BaggyTrousersUK is a cancer charity based in the North West of England, it was founded by Jack Broadley in 2014.
After going through his own experience of testicular cancer at the age of 21, Jack decided to take on this challenge to embark on a journey that would inspire him to helping others that have been affected by the illness that he’d once had. Jack felt an inherent urge to make a difference in the lives of males affected by testicular cancer and that, with the charity being run by a survivor, he could get the message across to others by the telling of his experience.
Come and find out about testicular cancer, including how to spot signs and symptoms. Anyone is welcome - whether you want more information for yourself or someone else.
The event is taking place Tuesday, 19 November, at 11am.
To book, visit: