Breast health and screening advice today
23 Oct 2019
Representatives from The Greater Manchester Breast Screening Service from the Nightingale Centre at Wythenshawe Hospital are holding a drop in for at the ground floor UMSA wellbeing room, G.60, Simon Building today - Wednesday 23rd October, 12pm – 2pm.
Did you know that the NHS Breast Screening Programme saves 1,400 lives every year and all women aged 50 and over are entitled to regular breast screening.
Breast cancer can have a number of symptoms, but the earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chance of beating it. So looking out for any changes to your breasts, getting these checked by your GP and attending screening is very important. Many experts agree that the main reason England has poorer outcomes for cancer than neighbouring European countries is largely down to people in the UK presenting later, and with more advanced disease, to their doctors than in mainland Europe.
Drop in this lunchtime for advice or any concerns on breast health or talk about your worries about breast screening.
Further information
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer
Why not print and share a poster on breast screening with your colleagues