Furniture 4 Reuse refurbishes over 500 office chairs
20 Mar 2019
Local charities, schools and youth groups, as well as the University benefits
The University has reached the landmark of renovating over 500 office chairs. As part of Furniture 4 Reuse, the University’s recycling centre for surplus furniture, 560 task/swivel chairs have been refurbished since May 2016 at an estimated saving of over £36,000.
Chairs arriving at the centre in an unusable condition are sent to be refurbished for a fee of £35 - £45 per chair. These are then available to all staff to purchase at the cost of refurbishment, with no profit made on the chairs.
The day-to-day running of Furniture 4 Reuse is led by Simon Atkinson, Waste Co-ordinator, and Alan Wright, who work to redistribute and reuse high-quality used furniture, ranging from desks and cupboards, to shelves and pedestals. The beneficiaries of the furniture are both across campus and beyond, with a plethora of local charities, schools and youth groups supported.
The facility plays a significant role in both waste and financial savings, whilst giving furniture a another lease of life. Annual figures for the 2017/18 academic year totalled waste savings of 180 tonnes and potential financial savings of over £410,000.
You can visit the furniture store Monday – Friday between 1:00pm and 3:00pm. Alan Wright is the contact at the store between these times (mobile: 07584 141009).