Uncover your science at a lively late show
09 Jul 2018
Manchester Museum is hosting Science Uncovered Manchester for the fourth time - join in!
Uncover your science at a lively late show.
Manchester Museum is hosting Science Uncovered Manchester on Friday, 28 September.
This special late opening at the Museum will showcase Manchester’s finest researchers and their work for an adult audience. There’ll be research on show, music, drinks and a lively atmosphere.
Funded by the Natural History Museum, who’ve hosted this event successfully for several years across the UK, this is a European Researcher’s Night – a Europe-wide initiative in which thousands of researchers all across Europe meet the public and share their work in a social setting.
Get involved
If you want to be involved in sharing your research to a wide adult museum audience, you can get an information sheet from:
Once you have the information, you can register at:
The deadline to register is Monday, 2 August.
Further information
If you have any questions or queries, or the deeadline is a problem for you, email: