Briefing session on counter terrorism guidance
21 Jun 2017
A second session has been arranged for staff with one of Greater Manchester Police's Counter Terrorism Security Advisors
The shocking events at Manchester Arena have affected us all. As a community, we can keep ourselves informed and remain vigilant of ongoing security while continuing with business as usual.
We have arranged for one of Greater Manchester Police's Counter Terrorism Security Advisors to give a short half-hour briefing for staff over lunchtime on Thursday, 6 July, from 12.30pm until 1pm.
As part of the government's National Counter Terrorism Security Office, CTSAs work with businesses and organisations to give advice and guidance.
The session will outline what different threat levels mean; give advice about the signs to look out for which might suggest terrorist activity is being planned; an overview of the Run, Hide, Tell campaign; and what to do in the event of an incident on campus.
Places are limited and attendance is by pre-registration only through the Staff Learning and Development catalogue.