Join the Busy Bees Women's Institute for lunchtime talk
03 May 2017
The official monthly meeting takes place on 4 May
The University of Manchester Busy Bees Women’s Institute invite you to attend their monthly meeting on Thursday 4 May to hear a light hearted talk on some classic frauds, including ‘How to sell the Eiffel Tower’!
The talk will take place in the UMSA room, Ground floor Simon Building starting promptly at 1.00 pm. There is a suggested donation of £3 for non-members and £1 for members, to include a cup of tea and a slice of cake.
We meet in the UMSA room every Thursday lunch time. The first Thursday of every month is our official monthly meeting with W I business, discussion on current W I Resolutions, plus a speaker or an activity. All other Thursday lunchtimes are an opportunity to ‘Chat, chill and craft’. These meetings allow us time to get out of our workplace and meet socially over lunch, so do please join us any Thursday lunch time if you would like to find out more about us.
The Women's Institute plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.
For more information on the Busy Bees W I, please email