Dealing with junk email
22 Feb 2017
Over the last few weeks many staff have been receiving a higher than normal level of junk email.
Like any organisation, we have a number of measures in place to block these kind of messages – currently we are filtering out approximately half a million junk emails per day, and that’s not including student email accounts! This includes unwanted sales messages, phishing emails and virus infections.
Recently there has been an increase in the sophistication of the methods used to send junk emails, and this has resulted in a number of unwanted and often offensive messages being received. While the content of these messages may appear to be easy to block, they are crafted in a way which gives them a level of authenticity which often fools junk mail filters.
Our colleagues in the email team have been working hard to block these messages without affecting the day to day business of the University.
Changes have been made which mean the messages are now more likely to appear only in your 'Junk Mail' folder. The next step is to prevent them from arriving at all. Updates and improvements to our junk mail filters are regularly investigated and implemented, to help us deal with this global problem.
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