#Micropoem16 competition now open
17 Jun 2016
Poetry in 140 characters?
For the fourth year running, the Centre for New Writing and the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures at The University of Manchester launches its micropoetry competition.
This year's competition is themed around 'Science' and takes place between 17 June and 11 July 2016 on Twitter. Participants are asked to simply tweet their micropoem with the hashtag #micropoem16 (one poem per person).
The competition will be judged by John McAuliffe, Geoff Ryman and Eleanor Ward.
Winners will be announced by 5pm on Monday, 18 July 2016 and the winning micropoems will be published in The Manchester Review.
Prizes for the best three poems are:
- 1st prize a mini iPad
- 2nd prize book vouchers
- 3rd prize tickets for one of the Centre for New Writing's autumn 'Literature Live' events.
You can follow the competition by filtering #micropoem16 on Twitter.
More information: