Take part in our Emerging Technology Conference
12 Jan 2016
EMiT, the Emerging Technology conference series, will host its third annual event on 2-3 June at Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
The event is co-hosted by The University of Manchester and the Mont-Blanc project.
We are seeking one-page abstracts for peer review, on one or more themes of the conference. The deadline is Friday 22 January.
The conference themes include:
- Device-independent compilers and High level languages
- Low power and energy efficient computing
- Advances in novel hardware
- Numerical algorithms
- Applications
Invites for keynote speakers, sponsors and stalls include:
- Lorena Barba, The George Washington University
- James Demmel, University of California, Berkeley
- William Sawyer, Exa2green
Details will be finalised shortly.
Conference fees will be just 100 Euros, reduced to 75 Euros for students.